Call for Applications from African Leadership Center: Peace, Security and Development Fellowship for African Scholars
The ALC is pleased to announce a call for applications for the Peace, Security and Development Fellowships for African Scholars starting in September 2019. This Fellowship programme is designed to expose junior African scholars to the complexities of security and development issues facing the African continent. The Fellowship covers an 18-month
The upcoming CODESRIA MRI Methodology and Scholarly Writing Workshop in Abidjan
Date: April 1-5, 2019#CODESRIAMRI2019 CODESRIA in collaboration with Cellule d’Analyse des Politiques Economiques of Cires (CAPEC) will be organizing a Methodology and Scholarly Writing workshop for its 2018/2019 Meaning-making Research Initiatives (MRI) cohorts. The workshop will take place in Abidjan on April 1-5, 2019. The MRI was adopted in 2017 as
Atelier du Pipeline for Emerging African Studies Scholars (PEASS) d’African Studies Review (ASR) organisé en collaboration avec l’Institut d’Études Africaines de Dakar
Date: Jeudi 4 juillet 2019Lieu: Dakar, Senegal L’atelier vise à encourager des chercheurs émergents en études africaines à soumettre des textes non encore publiés, écrits en francais, et à les aider à en faire des propositions d’articles de haute qualité. Les chercheuses et chercheurs éligibles pour soumettre une demande de participation