ACSS Annual Lecture – The Legacy of Samir Amin and the Future of Critical Political Economy
The Arab Council for Social Sciences (ACSS) cordially invites you to attend the 2024 Annual Lecture as part of the prestigious Samir Amin Lecture Series. EVENT DETAILS Title: "The Legacy of Samir Amin and the Future of Critical Political Economy" Featured Speaker: Dr. Amr Adly Associate Professor, Department of Political Science American University in Cairo Date: Tuesday, November 19, 2024 Time: 5:00
CHEIKH ANTA DIOP UNIVERSITY 19-20-21 NOVEMBER 2024 Mobilization around social policies Call for papers The African continent is often perceived and presented as a homogeneous entity. This trend is certainly reductive since it erases de facto the differences and socio-cultural, political and even the trajectories of each country. However, these contextual elements are to
2024 Social Policy in Africa Conference
The SARS-CoV-2 virus unleashed a global (Covid-19) pandemic. As of April 2023, the total global confirmed cases of infection were 762,790,388, and the total global confirmed deaths were 6,897,012. At the onset of the pandemic in 2020, the predictions for Africa were dire. The predictions turned out to be exaggerated.
State of Africa: Call for authors
According to the 2018 UN-HABITAT report entitled ‘The State of African Cities’, more than 400 million Africans live below the poverty line. Income inequality has escalated, youth unemployment has intensified, and gender inequality persisted on the continent.1 UN-HABITAT further noted that despite a massive agricultural potential many African countries remain
The Alternative Report on Africa (AROA): Call for Application
DEADLINE FOR SUBMITTING PROPOSALS OF PAPERS: 30 April 2023 TO BE SENT TO:,, FOR MORE INFORMATION: The AROA is launching a +221 78 639 17 80 The Alternative Report on Africa (AROA) is an essential initiative of prominent African and international institutions (Enda Tiers Monde, Third World Forum, TRUSTAFRICA, Rosa Luxembourg Foundation, the African Futures
CIJKAD–NLAS* Press Release on the Occasion of the Birth Centenary of Joseph Ki-Zerbo
Joseph Ki-Zerbo would have been 100 years old this 21 June 2022. We thank the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and the University of Abomey Calavi for having dedicated a colloquium to him. On the occasion of Joseph Ki-Zerbo's centenary, we would like to pay tribute to the figures and
Call for ABSTRACTS for 2023 AGENDA Journal
TRANSNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES ON FOOD, ECOLOGY AND THE ANTHROPOCENE Contributors are invited to submit manuscripts on the above topic from the point of view either of researchers or activists. Abstracts and contributions must be written in English and in a style accessible to a wide audience. Please submit abstracts to or
Sovereign Reason: Issues in African Studies
SPEAKER Professor Elisio Macamo Professor of African Studies and Sociology at the University of Basel, Switzerland. DATE: 25 May 2022 TIME: 17:00 – 19:00 (SAST) RSVP on to receive the Zoom details. Email if you encounter problems The Chair in Epistemologies of the Global South with Emphasis on Africa at the University of Bayreuth
CALL FOR PROPOSALS : Gender Equitable and Transformative Social Policy for Post-COVID-19 Africa (GETSPA)
The Institute of African Studies (IAS) at the University of Ghana, with funding support from the Open Society Institutes of Africa, is calling for proposals for multi-country research that investigates the trajectories, processes and outcomes of social policymaking in Africa since the colonial period. Social policies have over the years