Weiss Architecture Studio

Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae lorem.

Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa



EC Member

Member Khedija Mokeddem is Algerian. She is currently Research Director at the Centre National de Recherche en Anthropologie Sociale et Culturelle (CRASC) in Oran, Algeria. She was also an associate researcher at the Laboratoire Méditerranéen de Sociologie (LAMES) at the University of Aix-Marseille in France from 2016 to 2023. She obtained

Member Ayemi A. Lawani is an Assistant Professor at the University of Kara in Togo. He previously held various positions in the non-profit and public sectors in the United States and Canada. He received a PhD in Sociology of development from the University of Montreal (Canada), a Master in Public Administration

Member Theresa Moyo is a retired Professor. Her last employment was with the University of Limpopo (UL) where she served as a Full Professor in the Master of Development (MDEV) Programme at the Turfloop Graduate School of Leadership (TGSL) in Polokwane City, South Africa. She was with the institution from 2005

Member Isaac Olawale Albert is a Professor of African History, Peace and Conflict Studies at the Institute for Peace and Strategic Studies, University of Ibadan (Nigeria). He is a specialist in security analysis, early warning system, peace process planning, peace education, monitoring and evaluation. He won the CODESRIA’s thesis writing awards

Member Therese F. Azeng is native of Cameroon. She works as Head of the Research and Publications Division at the University of Bertoua (Cameroon). She also lectures in the Department of Economic Analysis and Policy of the University of Yaoundé 2 (Cameroon). She holds a PhD in Public Economics. Her research

President  Lyn Ossome is Associate Professor and Director of Makerere Institute of Social Research (MISR), Makerere University, and has also taught at Wits University and Yale University as a Visiting Presidential Professor. She holds a doctorate in Political Studies from Wits University, with specializations in the fields of feminist political economy

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