CODESRIA Higher Education Policy Initiative (HEPI) / Call for Proposals to undertake Profiles of Higher Education leaders in Africa
Deadline: 15th September 2017
The Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA), with support from the Carnegie Corporation of New York is implementing a new Higher Education Policy Initiative (HEPI). The initiative aims at engaging academics and stakeholders in higher education in Africa on issues and policy directions that can secure greater autonomy for the institutions, deepen cultures of accountability and oversight and support the institutions to better focus on their academic missions. Part of the activities under this programme will generate literature that can inform policy on critical governance and leadership related challenges that face higher education in Africa. The overall outcome envisaged from the HEPI initiative relates to contributing to the emergence of a critical mass of internal and external stakeholders within the higher education sector who can continuously secure the management capacities, autonomy and resources the institutions need to deliver on their academic missions.
As a component of this initiative, CODESRIA invites proposals from academics in African universities and media personnel working in the area of higher education to undertake profiles of higher education leaders within the continent. The profiles are meant to document cases of leadership innovations and highlight the work of individuals who successfully overcame the uncertainties wrought by resource scarcities and/or governance challenges and built resilience that has seen the institution continue to play a central role in the development of their societies. The rationale for this component of the initiative is that past higher education leaders (Vice-Chancellors, Members of council and senate, government ministers responsible for higher education) etc. have valuable lessons and experiences regarding the process of institutional building and governance reform. Feedback from them is intended to stimulate debates on how higher education governance and leadership processes in Africa would be supported to mitigate challenges to management and oversight; including the development and building of capacity to utilize new accountability tools to improve systems of governance, establishing effective stakeholder-driven governing boards and contributing to a culture of accountability and academic excellence in the institutions. The aim will be to document the contributions and visions of these leaders and their personal imprint and influence on broad higher education policy issues, how the sector should be governed and managed and contribute to deepening understanding of what would constitute a ‘philosophy’ of higher education governance and leadership in Africa.
The profiles will be recorded in form of interviews and later transcribed into publishable narrative form by the researchers. To this end, those submitting proposals should:
- Clearly justify the choice and institutional linkage of the leader/s to be profiled in the context of the objectives of this project;
- Include an indication of the budget and timelines needed to accomplish the task;
- Provide a sample of the interview protocol as an annexure to the proposal;
- Provide a CV outlining key strengths and suitability to undertake this task
This call targets academics and institutions in six sub-Saharan African countries: Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and South Africa. Individual former higher education leaders from these countries who wish to submit proposals to do book length biographies as part of these reflections are encouraged to do so, adhering to the spirit of the guidelines above.
Complete proposals; no more than 5 pages long typed on 1.5 New Times Roman margins should be sent to the address below as electronic mail only.
The deadline for receiving the proposals is 15th September 2017.
Complete proposals (Electronic copies only) should be sent to the address below:
Higher Education Policy Initiative (HEPI)
BP 3304, Dakar,
18524, Sénégal
Tél. (221) 33 825 98 21/22/23
Site web: