Racky Wane
Executive Assistant Niveau Bachelor à l’Université de Harry. S. Truman à Chicago Illinois USA. A travaillé auparavant avec la compagnie SUDLER pendant 9 ans et aussi à L’APIX (agence pour la promotion des investissements et les grands travaux) Dakar, Sénégal pendant 3 ans.
Marième Ly
Chief Protocol & Travel Services Officer
Francine Ndjanteng Nyamen Adade
Assistante de programme
Alice Urusaro Uwagaga Karekezi
Alice Urusaro Uwagaga Karekezi, praticienne érudite, est titulaire d'un doctorat de la School of Global Studies de l'Université de Göteborg, axé sur la décolonisation de la construction des normes internationales, et d'un master de l'Université Aix-Marseille III. Elle a près de 30 ans d'expérience dans le domaine des situations post-conflit
4th CODESRIA-CASB Summer School
The 4th CODESRIA Summer School, in collaboration with the Basel Centre for African Studies, will be held online from 8 to 19 November 2021. Registration link: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_0rLD8SBdTiqMCODbw8ekfg
2021 Social Policy in Africa Conference
The South African Research Chair in Social Policy, in partnership with CODESRIA and UNRISD, is organising the 2021 Social Policy in Africa Conference from Monday 22 to Wednesday 24 November 2021. The theme of the conference is Development, Democracy and Social Policy: Remembering Thandika Mkandawire. The conference will be held as a
Public Humanities: Thinking freedom in the Africa University
For those interested in the questioning of the humanities, this is a significant contribution for rethinking the university in the Global South and in the corporatized Western academy. It is a strong critique of neo-liberal policies and practices that, together with colonial legacies and authoritarian rule, plague African higher education.