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Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa



2019 Social Policy in Africa International Conference

Governance of Africa’s Social Policy: Subverting Development and Democracy?

Date: 25-27 November 2019
Venue: University of South Africa, City of Tshwane, South Africa

Number of visits: 2070

For the 2019 2nd Social Policy in Africa International Conference we invite abstracts and papers on the theme of the conference. The papers at the conference should address the dynamics of social policymaking in Africa, identify the drivers of policies and their policy preferences, address the issue of the nature of politics and the constitution of the public sphere necessary for enhanced economic transformation, human flourishing, and new forms of social compact—in other words, issues of inclusive development. Paper presenters are invited to engage with these issues and explore the different national and regional experiences of modes of governance of the African social policy space, the drivers of public policy, and explore the modes of governance and politics necessary for enhanced human wellbeing and development.

The conference also invites papers in the broad areas of social policy not directly concerned with the theme of the 2019 conference.

We invite abstracts and papers in the following thematic areas:

  1. Governance of Africa’s Social Policy
  2. Democracy and the Governance of Africa’s Social Policy
  3. Social Policymaking in Africa: actors, agency, and policy space.
  4. Poverty and Inequality in Africa.
  5. Redressing Health Inequalities: ensuring access to quality healthcare.
  6. Pension Systems Reform and Income Security in Old Age.
  7. Critical Perspectives on Social Protection.
  8. Non-Formal Social Provisioning: the African Experiences.
  9. Land and Agrarian Reform: the social policy perspectives.

Deadline for Abstracts: Friday, 30 August 2019. Authors of accepted abstracts will be informed by Friday, 06 September 2019.

Deadline for full papers of accepted abstracts: Friday, 25 October 2019

Submission of Abstracts:
Click here to access the abstracts submission page.

Travel Support Grants:
A very limited number of travel support grants is available for accepted paper presenters. We cannot guarantee that authors of accepted papers will receive full sponsorship for the conference.

Make a Submission

Please direct all enquiries to:

Ms Ipeleng Chauke
2019 Social Policy in Africa Conference
South African Research Chair in Social Policy
University of South Africa. City of Tshwane/Pretoria. South Africa
E-mail: sarchisp@unisa.ac.za
Tel: +27 12 337 6114.

Conference Sponsors: South African Research Chair in Social Policy – CODESRIA – UNRISD