A significant part of CODESRIA’s work is to ensure that our community of scholars, young academics, and those conducting research within the social science and humanities have a one-stop location that serves as a guide on where to access information.
Our resources page is designed to offer a database of information by providing access to the CODESRIA Online Library Catalogue; a list of Open Access databases and search engines; and CODESRIA’s Documentary and Thematic Products drawn from activities under the Council’s Scientific Programmes.

1. The CODESRIA Online Library Catalogue
The Council’s library has a bibliographic database with a variety of documents (books, reports, theses and dissertations, periodical articles, conference papers, etc) in the social sciences and humanities. The database is available at the Koha Liblime platform. You do not need to register to the platform, simply type the query directly into the search field provided.
1.1 JSTOR (Journal Storage) Data Base
JSTOR provides access to a bibliographic database on works in the social sciences and humanities. It contains complete bibliographic descriptions of the publications with the possibility of accessing the full text(s). Searches from JSTOR can be done from CODESRIA’s computers inside the Library.
It is available through the following link : https://www.jstor.org/
2. Open Access Information Resources
These are specialised databases on the social sciences and humanities useful for scientific research. They contain full-text bibliographic references that can be downloaded freely on the internet. Most of the databases are in English. However, those that hold resources in other languages are also listed.

This portal is set up by UNECA (United Nations Economic Commission for Africa). Its advantage is the types of socioeconomic publications it contains, which cover the African continent. It has several search criteria to improve the search results according to the user’s needs. There are also full-text documents downloadable. It is accessible at: http://askia.uneca.org/

The BASE search engine is developed by the University of Bielefeld in Germany. It contains millions of bibliographical references, many of them are in open access. This very powerful search engine has several search criteria giving search results that meet the most relevant academic criteria. The service is accessible at: https://www.base-search.net/about/en/

CORE (COnnecting REpositories)
Launched in 2011, CORE now lists more than 79 million documents in grey literature, research papers, dissertations and open access theses from several information sources. It is the world’s largest aggregator of full-text and free-text research documents. It can be accessed at: https://core.ac.uk/

Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
DOAJ is a bibliographic database that lists open access scientific journals that meet quality criteria. It contains full text articles with free access. Its ambition is to cover all subjects on all languages. It is accessible at: https://doaj.org/

Érudit is a non-profit organisation founded by the University of Montreal Press. Its main mission is to disseminate and promote scholarly research results, mainly in the humanities and social sciences. More than 85% of the content on the platform is available open access. Access it at: http://www.erudit.org/

Gallica is the digital library of the National Library of France and its partners. In open access since 1997, it has more than five million documents. Gallica is accessible at: https://gallica.bnf.fr/accueil/fr/content/accueil-fr?mode=desktop

Horizon Pleins Textes
Horizon Plein Textes is the online bibliographic database created by the French institution, IRD (Research Institute for Development). The database contains publications by IRD researchers or researchers associated with this organisation. They are in open access if these texts are free of rights. The Horizon database provides access to more than 73,000 documents online and more than half are available online in full text. Find the database at: http://horizon.documentation.ird.fr/

ilissAfrica – Internet Library Sub-Saharan Africa
IlissAfrica is a project of the African section of Frankfurt University Library and the Information Centre of the German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA) in Hamburg. It is a portal that provides integrated access to many sources of scientific information in the fields of sub-Saharan African studies. Access it at: http://www.ilissafrica.de/en/

Isidore is a platform and search engine that specialises in the social sciences and humanities. Full-text documents linked to metadata are indexed to the extent that they are freely accessible. Isidore contains many documents in French regarding the data producers participating in the project (Cairn.info, Persée, OpenEdition Journals, Érudit, Gallica of the BnF, etc.) in addition to other languages such as English and Portuguese. Access Isidore at: http://www.rechercheisidore.fr/

OpenEdition Journals and Books
OpenEdition Journals is a portal for electronic resources in the humanities and social sciences. It provides full-text access to hundreds of journals and books in the humanities and social sciences.
Access the journals at: https://journals.openedition.org/
Access the books at: https://books.openedition.org/

Persée allows free consultation of a complete collection of scientific publications. The portal, managed by ENS (École Normale Supérieure) Lyon, is open access. With more than 700,000 documents disseminated and more than 300 collections freely available online, Persée is the largest Francophone resource of articles and documents in the social sciences and humanities. Find it at: http://www.persee.fr/

SSRN (Social Science Research Network)
Owned by Elsevier, the SSRN specialises in the fields of social sciences and humanities and allows researchers to share articles before publication. It is one of the main open and collaborative archives in the field of SSH. It is accessible at: https://www.ssrn.com/index.cfm/en/.

Taylor & Francis
The Taylor & Francis Group is an international publishing house of the United Kingdom that publishes academic and scientific publications.
Taylor & Francis publishes more than a thousand journals, about one thousand eight hundred books each year and has a catalogue exceeding twenty thousand titles. The catalogue address is: https://www.tandfonline.com/

World Bank/IMF Library Network
This network of libraries is set up by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund for the documentation needs of their staff. Access it at

1findr platform
1findr platform is the largest collection of peer-reviewed articles in the world covering all scientific fields. The platform has both an optimized and a free versions with the possibilty to download documents. The address of his catalog is: www.1findr.com
3. Documentary Products
3.1 Theses and Dissertations Catalogue
The catalogue of theses and dissertations identifies academic work since 1988 that has received a scholarship or a small grant from CODESRIA. The originality of this catalogue lies in its coverage of a wide range of disciplines and subjects that have been supported in universities located in the five regions of the continent.
To view the catalogue, click here
3.2 Current Content
2020 September: CODICE Current Contents
2020 March: CODICE Current Contents
2019 June: CODICE Current Contents
2019 March: CODICE Current Contents
2017 December: CODICE Current Contents
2017 September: CODICE Current Contents
2017 May: CODICE Current Contents
2017 March: CODICE Current Contents
2016 December: CODICE Current Contents
3.3 List of New Acquisitions
The CODESRIA Documentation, Information and Communication Centre (CODICE) periodically publishes a list of new acquisitions that takes stock of titles recently purchased by CODICE as well as those recently published by CODESRIA. The aim of these lists is to inform the social science research community on the evolution of the CODICE collections and the titles available in the Council’s library.
2022 April: New CODICE Acquisitions
2021 August: New CODICE Acquisitions
2020 December: New CODICE Acquisitions
2018 August: New CODICE Acquisitions
2017 June: New CODICE Acquisitions
2017 April: New CODICE Acquisitions
2016 October: New CODICE Acquisitions
2016 July: New CODICE Acquisitions
4. Thematic Products
4.1 Bibliographies
The bibliographies are complied within the framework of CODESRIA’s research activities and its annual thematic institutes.
2020-2021: Violence against women and girls in Africa’s civic spaces
2019: Women, Informal Economies and the Financialization of Micro-Credit in Africa
2018: Feminist Scholarship, Universities and Social Transformation in Africa
2017: Feminist Scholarship, Universities and Social Transformation in Africa
2016: Gender, Diseases and Public Health Governance in Africa
2015: Gender, Land Management and Food Security in Africa
2020-2021: Governing African Civil Society in a Context of Shrinking Civic Spaces
2019: Digital Technologies and Election Management in Africa’s Democratisation Processes
2018: Governing Africa’s Social Policy: Subverting Development and Democracy?
2017: Economic Governance and Africa’s Economic Transformation
2016: The African State and Public Cyber-Security Service
2015: Cybersecurity, Sovereignty and Democratic Governance in Africa
2014: Building more Resilient Societies: Human Security and Risk Management in Africa
2012: Gender and Climate Change in Africa
2011: Gender and the Media in Africa
2017: African Futures and the Futures of Childhood in Africa
2013: Social Protection and the Citizenship Rights of Vulnerable Children in Africa
2012: Youth, Social Transformations and Development in Africa Development in Africa
2011: Children’s Agency and Development in African Societies
2010: The Place for Work in African Childhoods
2008: Africa and the Global Pharmaceutical Industry
2007: Private Health Provisioning in Africa
4.2 Other topics
CODESRIA Publications on Gender
Bibliography: Thandika Mkandawire, 2020
Bibliography: Africa – China Relations
Articles and books published by North Africa Researchers in CODESRIA’s publications