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Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa



2nd Colloquium of the Scientific Network of Academic Women in Management and Economics (ReSFUGE)

Date: October 01st – 03rd, 2020
Venue: The University of Yaounde II-Soa (Cameroon)

The 2030 Agenda, which aims to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as defined and adopted by world leaders, entered into force in January 2016. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals have been designed to respond to the individual and common challenges that we all face, in one way or another: hunger, poverty, health, education, gender disparities and inequalities, climate change, environmental degradation, prosperity, peace, justice, etc. They thus encompass the social, economic and environmental dimensions of development and provide a roadmap so that by 2030, people can ensure a better and more sustainable future for all. Therefore, it is clear that the SDGs aim to improve globally the quality of life and well-being of human being.

The concept of well-being first appeared in economic studies in the early 1970s, aiming at seeking alternative indicators to GDP, and otherwise measuring wealth and economic growth. As of this period, the UN declared it as the outcome of public policies. To date, well-being is increasingly present in studies and discourses related to sustainable development. Likewise, well-being at work, in its aspects of health but also of fulfilment at work, is currently a priority research, teaching and training subject.

Quality of life, on the other hand, is defined according to the World Health Organization, as the “individual’s perception of their position in life in the context of the culture and value systems in which they live and in relation to their objectives, goals, standards and concerns”. In these terms, quality of life includes both physical and psychological state, well-being, social interactions, professional activities as well as economic resources. It is therefore not only linked to an individual’s health but also to the level of satisfaction and to his expectations. In fact, quality of life is a feeling of material, social and mental security that help humans move forward serenely.

The concepts of well-being and quality of life are both multifactorial and multidisciplinary. As such, they hold an important place in human and social sciences and question all of the disciplines that make up these fields. Close to well-being, quality of life is a central concern in politics and economics which is measured by taking into account various parameters such as socio-economic indicators (including the human development index and the purchasing power), freedom (economic, expression), health, happiness, human rights, corporate social responsibility or even ethics. These parameters being subjective and difficult to measure for many, quality of life is a concept that feeds numerous debates.

Without the need to make a mid-term review of the SDGs, one can agree that there’s a gap between economic indicators, living conditions and well-being subjectively felt by individuals and / or the community. Although related to different dimensions, the two issues are deeply linked. Sustainable development implies a more immaterial and “qualitative” growth. However, we will only be able to measure the impact on well-being and quality of life using new tools and mobilizing new paradigms.


The theme of the 2020 edition of the Symposium of the Scientific Network of Academic Women in Management and Economics (RéSFUGE) is: “SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, QUALITY OF LIFE, AND WELL-BEING: Towards Crossed Views”. It therefore aims to be a meeting of multidisciplinary scientific exchanges (economics, management, sociology, anthropology, demography, history, psychology, health sciences, legal and political sciences, environmental sciences, etc.). We invite researchers, academics and policymakers from around the world to submit extended abstracts, relating to at least one of the following subthemes:

Subtheme 1: Inclusive, equitable and sustainable economic growth
Subtheme 2: Quality of life at work, social responsibility and overall performance
Subtheme 3: 
Culture, imagination, well-being and quality of life
Subtheme 4: Socio-economic vulnerability, poverty and precariousness
Subtheme 5: Health, well-being and quality of life
Subtheme 6: Education, training, employment
Subtheme 7: Social cohesion, social capital and living together
Subtheme 8: Role of the State and decentralized local authorities
Subtheme 9: Measurements of well-being and/or quality of life
Subtheme 10: New theories of well-being and quality of life
Subtheme 11: Environment, well-being and quality of life
Subtheme 12: Human insecurity (violence, crime, conflict, extremism …)
Subtheme 13: Human rights, justice and human dignity
Subtheme 14: Gender, well-being and quality of life
Subtheme 15: Demographic transition, well-being and quality of life
Subtheme 16: Decent work, well-being and quality of life
Subtheme 17: Business strategies and management practices
Subtheme 18: Informality, well-being and quality of life
Subtheme 19: ICT, digital transition and artificial intelligence
Subtheme 20: Globalisation, consumption patterns, well-being and quality of life

Papers may cover theoretical, empirical or methodological aspects and should present a well-formed and capably written idea, which is adequately contextualized and sufficiently supported by the literature. Authors are requested to submit proposals of at most two (02) pages which specify the background, problem statement, objectives, theoretical framework, methodology and expected findings.

The languages of the conference are English and French.

Proposals may fall under at least one proposed subtheme; however, authors are requested to specify in their proposals the subtheme(s) in which their research fits.

Authors can submit more than one proposal but do not submit in the same subtheme. Proposals will be blind peer reviewed by the members of the scientific committee, and modifications may be requested to authors.

Proposals should be sent to: colloqueresfuge@gmail.com with copy to azeng.th@gmail.com and bononocelia2020@yahoo.com no later than February 29, 2020.


Submission deadline of proposals: February 29, 2020
Notification of acceptance of proposals: March 10, 2020
Submission deadline of final papers: June 14, 2020
Final notification of acceptance of final papers: July 15, 2020
Colloquium: October 01 – 03, 2020


To be considered for presentation, please submit an original and unpublished paper. Selected papers will be published in selected scientific journals collaborating with RéSFUGE.


Honorary President:
 Pr MINKOA SHE Adolphe, Vice Chancellor of the University of Yaoundé II-Soa
President: Pr BEKOLO Claude, Dean of FEM, University of Yaoundé II-Soa
Vice presidents: Pr MOUNGOU Sabine Patricia ; Pr OKAH-ATENGA Xavérie ; Pr TOUNAMAMA
Members : Pr ETOUNDI ELOUNDOU Gilles Célestin ; Pr ZAMO AKONO Christian ; Pr Rose LEKE ; Pr DONTSI ; Pr Ababacar MBENGUE ; Pr Alain ONDOA ; Pr ABESSOLO Yves ; Pr Hamadou BOUKAR ; Pr ATANGANA ONDOA Henri ; Pr BONDOMA ; Pr BAYE MENDJO ; Pr AVOM Désiré ; Pr BIBOUM Altante ; Pr BIWOLE FOUDA Jean ; Pr DOUANLA Jean ; Pr ESSOMBE EDIMO ; Pr FEUDJO Jules ; Pr FOMBA KAMGA Benjamin ; Pr FOUDA ONGODO ; Pr KONO ABE Jean Max ; Pr MEBENGA TAMBA Luc ; Pr TAMBA Isaac ; Pr NGOA TABI Henri ; Pr NKOA François ; Pr Souleymanou KADOUMAÏ ; Pr ONDOUA BIWOLE Viviane ; Pr SAHA Jean Claude ; Pr OKAH Pierre Paul ; Pr SANGUE FOTSO Robert ; Pr TIOUMAGNENG André ; Pr FAMBON Samuel ; Pr EPO Boniface NGAH ; Pr MONDJELLI MWA NDJOKOU ; Pr NTONO TSIMI, Pr MEVOUNGOU NSANA ; Pr BEGNE Jean Marie ; Pr ETOGO MESSOMO Epse SANDJI Mireille ; Pr MBALLA ZE Barnabé ; Pr Paul ABOUNA ; Pr ABANE ; Pr FOUOPI Constant ; Pr Bios NELEM ; Pr Amana Evelyne ; Pr SONE MBASSI Alain ; Pr GANDJON Stéphane ; Pr KAMDEM Cyrille Bergaly ; Pr Natacha MBOUNA ; Pr Paul BILE ; Pr NDOUME ESSINGONE ; Pr NGAMBI Marcel ; Pr DJUIDJE Marceline ; Pr BONONO Chantal ; Pr UM NGWEN


Pr OKAH-ATENGA Xavérie ; Pr MOUNGOU Sabine Patricia ; Dr ANEGA NKOA Claudette ; Dr AZENG Thérèse F. ; Dr BITYE Mireille ; Dr BONONO Cécile ; Dr DJOFACK Sidonie ; Dr MOSKOLAI Donatienne ; Dr NKAKENE MOLOU Laurence ; Dr NOAH Céline ; Dr Françoise OKAH ; Dr BIEN A NGON Jocelyne ; Dr EVA’AH Roulie Niquaise ; Mme HAOUAOU LAOUANE ; Mme SIMEN Floriane, Dr BILGUISSOU ABBA, Mme DJOGWOU Falone, DrGACHILIE Ladifatou, Dr NKAMA Elisabeth, Dr ABIALA Mireille, Dr MVELE, Mme FOTSO Mélanie

For additional information, please contact:

  • Pr MOUNGOU Sabine patricia (President of ReSFUGE): moungousp@yahoo.fr
  • Dr AZENG Therese F. (Coordonator of ReSFUGE) : azeng.th@gmail.com
  • Dr BONONO Cécile (Deputy Coordonator of ReSFUGE) : bononocelia2020@yahoo.com

2nd Colloquium of the Scientific Network of Academic Women in Management and Economics (ReSFUGE)

2ème Colloque du Réseau Scientifique des Femmes Universitaire en Gestion et en Économie (RéSFUGE)