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Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa



5th Annual Conference in Political Economy: Call for Papers

Deadline: 1 April 2014


The Crisis: Scholarship, Policies, Conflicts and Alternatives

16-18 September 2014

Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”, Naples, Italy

The economic crisis that started in 2007 has become the deepest global contraction since the Great Depression, and the economic recovery has been the slowest and weakest on record. The costs of the crisis include a wave of unemployment that may take another decade or longer to clear, and higher taxes and reduced public services for working people, such as healthcare and education, in order to bail out wealthy bankers and bondholders. A whole generation, especially the youth, has been blighted by the crisis, which has had devastating consequences for hundreds of millions of people across the world. Protests and violent conflicts have flared up on several continents, in particular in Southern Europe, the Middle East and North Africa, which may develop into larger-scale conflicts.

From the viewpoint of political economy, the current strategy of ‘adjustment within neoliberalism’ is economically inconsistent, socially dysfunctional and politically intolerable:

• It is built on the premise that neoliberal capitalism is intrinsically stable, even though every finance-driven expansion since the 1970s has ended in a crisis requiring a large state bail-out. In other words, neoliberalism is dynamic only between crises, and it depends in boom and recession on extensive, supportive government intervention.

• It is built on a misguided position on the role of the government in the economy, which assumes that massive fiscal spending is appropriate to support finance in crises, while it is never appropriate for governments to spend even much smaller amounts to protect employment, incomes, living standards and public services, either in better times when obtaining government revenue would be easier or – even – as a more effective response to crises.

• It is also built on the notion that economic and social provision should be subjected to the self-interests of the financial system, an unacceptable proposition in itself that becomes absurd when the financial system has clearly demonstrated that it has become highly dysfunctional under neoliberalism.

The Fifth Annual Conference in Political Economy will examine the global crisis from the complementary angles of scholarship, policies, conflicts and alternatives. Papers on all aspects of poitical economy are welcome, while those on these topics are especially encouraged.

Practical Information

IIPPE welcomes the submission of (a) proposals for panels (or streams of panels) and (b) proposals for individual papers (which IIPPE will group into panels).

All proposals can be submitted to either the Working Group coordinators or directly to the Conference Programme Committee, as indicated on the application form (see below). Any papers or panels which cannot be accepted by the Working Groups will be forwarded for further consideration by the Programme Committee, without prejudice.

Each proposal must be submitted through this application form (if your browser has problems with this link, please contact Niels Hahn, nh40@soas.ac.uk).

Note that an individual can normally only present one paper at the conference, although multiple co-authorship is allowed. Please contact Al Campbell (al@economics.utah.edu) if there is a pressing case for someone to present more than once. On the Conference Programme only the designated presenter will be listed, and co-authors will only be listed on those papers submitted and posted on the IIPPE site.

The deadline for submission of proposals for papers and panels is 1 April 2014. Successful submissions will be confirmed by 1 May 2014. The deadline for registration for the Conference is 15 May 2014. The deadline for the submission of full papers, which will be posted on the IIPPE website, is 1 September 2014.

If you have any questions concerning your submision, please contact Al Campbell (al@economics.utah.edu).