CODESRIA in collaboration with the Centre for African Studies Basel, organized its 5th Summer School on the theme: How political is knowledge?
The sessions of the Summer School took place at Hôtel Fleur de Lys Point E from 15th to 19th August,2022.

Meet the Laureates

Meet the Faculty
Program-5th CODESRIA-CASB SS (English)
Programme-5ème EE CODESRIA-CEAB (Français)

Edward Mendy
Gender: Male
Nationality: Gambia
Institutional Affiliation: Université de Lomé;
Discipline: Climate change and disaster risk management
Title of Proposal:
Biography: Edward Mendy is a Gambian PhD student in Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management at Université de Lomé under the WACACAL-DRP. He got his Master’s Degree in Disaster Science from Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh-Indonesia, in 2021, and Bachelor’s Degree (Edu) in Agriculture Science minoring in Geography, in 2018. Mr. Mendy is a trained and qualified teacher from the Gambia college where he graduated with a Higher Teachers Certificate in Agriculture Science, in 2014. He has taught in different senior schools in both Agriculture Science and Geography in the Gambia. Edward Mendy is a passionate environmentalist who is currently raising awareness on how indigenous knowledge can be mainstreamed into disaster and environment policies. He is also an environment and disaster science consultant at Emanic consulting. Mr. Mendy’s great passion for academia has led to him publishing numerous articles in scientific journals.
Social Media handles: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100005986814772

Cheromoi Clare
Gender: Female
Nationality: Uganda
Institutional Affiliation: Makerere University;
Discipline: Development studies/History
Title of Proposal: Continuities, Complexities, and Political Corruption in Post-Independent Uganda
Biography: Clare holds a Master’s degree from Erasmus University, International Institute of social studies, Hague in the Netherlands and majored in Human Right Development and social justice. She also holds a masters in Anti-Corruption Studies from the International Anti-Corruption Academy (IACA) in Laxenburg, Austria. She is currently a fellow at the College of Humanities and Social sciences, Makerere University. Over the years, her professional and research work has focused on problems undermining the development of poor economies, with a particular interest in social justice, governance, inequality and corruption. Her development and corruption related research include: understanding the effect of information on corruption consequences on corrupt behaviors, gender and corruption, the question on “does corruption grease and sand the wheels of firm efficiency?”, and interrogating political corruption from a historical perspective in Uganda.
Social Media handles: Facebook: chero che che

Mahder Habtemariam Serekberhan
Gender: Female
Nationality: Ethiopia
Institutional Affiliation: Syracruse University
Discipline: Comparative Political and International Relations minor/Political Science
Title of Proposal: Rethinking African Politics: Sudan’s Neighborhood Resistance Committees
Biography: Mahder Habtemariam Serekberhan recently graduated with an MA in Pan African Studies and is currently enrolled in Political Science PhD at Syracuse University. Her research explored the 2019 Sudanese uprising and the fundamental role of women to liberation struggles with radical possibilities. Her current research interests include – African social and women’s movements, grassroots mobilization, political organization, and African transformational politics. Mahder was born and raised in Ethiopia and lived in Malaysia before moving to the United States. She has worked with research institutions and a women’s organization in Ethiopia. She is currently serving as a Board Member of the Africa Initiative and as President of the African Graduate Students Network. She also serves as Vice Chairperson of the Global Pan African Movement, North American Delegation.
Social Media handles: Twitter and Instagram: @chebrarawa

Sandra Brown Eduful
Gender: Female
Nationality: Ghana
Institutional Affiliation: Ho Technical University
Discipline: Humanistic Studies
Title of Proposal:Making Social Work education culturally relevant to ensure sustainable social development in Ghana
Biography: Sandra Brown Eduful is an Assistant Research Fellow at the Ho Technical University. She teaches Research Methodology at the undergraduate level. She is also a prospective PhD candidate in Social Work with the working title of her thesis “Making Social Work education culturally relevant to ensure sustainable social development in Ghana”. Prior to her appointment at Ho Technical University, she was a Graduate Assistant at the university of Ghana where she graduated with an Mphil in Social Work. Sandra continued her education at the University of Cape Coast, Ghana earning a Post Graduate Diploma in Education. Her colleagues elected her as a course representative. The need to help fellow students urged her further to volunteer with Africademics as a scholarship ambassador to assist African students find scholarships. Sandra loves to read, write, walk and travel.
Social Media handles: Facebook: Sandy Brown Linkedin: Sandy Brown Eduful

Yumba Bernadette Kakhobwe
Gender: Female
Nationality: Malawi
Institutional Affiliation: University of Pretoria
Discipline: Gender Studies
Title of Proposal: What’s in a name? The naming and framing of ‘child marriage’ as symbols of coloniality
Biography: Yumba Kakhobwe is an aspiring academic currently pursuing a doctoral degree in the Sexual and Reproductive Rights in Africa programme at the University of Pretoria’s Centre for Human Rights. She has a particular interest in gender-based violence and harmful practices, and has recently been steered towards the subject of decolonization and its potential to create agency, emancipation, renewal, as well as authentic and original expression, particularly in the area of activism on the African continent. Her mission is to thrive, be inspired, and grow in spaces and amongst persons that are people-centered, and curious about understanding and improving people’s lived experiences through human rights approaches that are context-specific. Until recently, she worked as a gender-based violence services consultant for a joint UN project called Spotlight Initiative (SI) under UNFPA, which further cemented the significance of her contributing to the area of GBV and harmful practices.
Social Media handles: Instagram: mwaba.theiind

Ebere Florence Nnanwube
Gender: Female
Nationality: Nigeria
Institutional Affiliation: University of Ibadan
Discipline: Sociology of Development
Title of Proposal: Plastic Recycling Practices in Lagos State, Nigeria
Biography: Ebere Florence Nnanwube is a PhD candidate at the University of Ibadan, Ibadan – Oyo State, Nigeria. She specialises in the Sociology of Development and is especially interested in gender studies and analysis, poverty, economic empowerment and development. Her current research is on plastic recycling practices in Lagos state, Nigeria. Ebele is keenly interested in using African perspectives to pursue intellectualism.
Social Media handles: Facebook: ebere.florence2; Twitter: @FNnanwube; Instagram: @ebbnonny

Edson Chido Mutisi
Gender: Male
Nationality: Zimbabwe
Institutional Affiliation: University of Johannesburg
Discipline: Industrial Sociology
Title of Proposal: A Comparative Analysis of the Political Economy of Online Teaching within Institutions of Higher Education in South Africa
Biography: Edson Chido Mutisi is a third year PhD student at University of Johannesburg pursuing a PhD in Industrial Sociology. He graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology of Labour, Employment and Organisation at University of Bejaia (Algeria) and also obtained a Higher National Diploma (HND) in Human Resources Management from the Institute of People Management of Zimbabwe (IPMZ) in 2016. In 2017, he graduated with a Bachelor of Arts Honours in Industrial Sociology from University of Johannesburg. He also completed a Master of Arts degree in Industrial Sociology at University of Johannesburg in 2019. He has been tutoring second year Sociology students since 2017. Edson has received awards for being the best second year tutor of Sociology from the deanery in 2019, 2020 and 2021. From February to April 2022, he lectured Group Dynamics – a second year Sociology module.
Social Media handles: Facebook: Edson Chido Mtisi; Twitter: @ed_mothusi; Instagram: Edson Chido Mtisi

Mulunesh Dessie Admassu
Gender: Female
Nationality: Ethiopia
Institutional Affiliation: Bahir Dar University
Discipline: Political Science and International Studies
Title of Proposal: Women’s Empowerment, Gender Equality (WEGE) and Democracy in Ethiopia since 1991; Contribution of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), The Case of Ethiopian Women Lawyers Association (EWLA)
Biography: Mulunesh is a PhD candidate in the Department of Political Science and International Studies at Bahir Dar University. Her research interests are in areas related to women’s participation in social, economic and political issues; their achievements and the constraints they face within the African context; and the community’s attitudes towards women’s particpation. She is also interested in hydro political issues and water resource conflicts and its varied impact on human life and security across time.
Social Media handles: Facebook: Mulunesh Admassu

Dorice Djeton Goudou
Gender: Female
Nationality: Benin
Institutional Affiliation: Université d’Abomey Calavie
Discipline: Genre/info-com
Title of Proposal: Accès à l’information et représentativité des femmes aux postes électifs au Bénin
Biography: Expert Genre et Médias, Dorice DJETON GOUDOU est doctorante en Sciences de l’information et de la Communication à l’Ecole Doctorale Pluridisciplinaire de l’Université d’Abomey-Calavi et responsable à la communication de l’Association des Femmes Scientifiques du Bénin. Présidente de DG PARTNERS ONG, elle est aussi la Directrice Editoriale du Civic Academy of Africa’s Future (CiAAF), un think thank Béninois de recherche-action. Elle est a reçu en 2021 le 1er prix du meilleur rédacteur en ligne sur les sachets plastiques lancé par le Ministère du Numérique du Bénin et est lauréate du concours régional de reportage humanitaire organisé par le Comité International de la Croix Rouge en 2020.
Social Media handles: Facebook :Dorice DJETON; Twitter :@djetondorice1

El Hadj Bouré Diouf
Gender: Male
Nationality: Senegal
Institutional Affiliation: Université Gaston Berger de St Louis
Discipline: Politiques publiques/Science politique
Title of Proposal: Réformer la politique publique de sécurité intérieure du Sénégal : entre volonté de rupture et logique de continuité
Biography: Je suis Assistant titulaire à l’UFR de Sciences juridiques et politiques de l’Université Gaston Berger de Saint-Louis du Sénégal où je prépare une thèse de doctorat en Science politique sur le sujet « Réformer la politique publique de sécurité intérieure du Sénégal : entre volonté de rupture et logique de continuité », sous la direction de Monsieur le Professeur Babaly SALL. Mon laboratoire de rattachement est le Carrefour d’Études et de Recherche-Action pour le Développement et la Démocratie (CERADD). Mes activités de recherche et d’enseignement portent, entre autres, sur la Sociologie politique, les Systèmes politiques comparés et l’Analyse des politiques publiques. J’ai aussi un engagement associatif au sein de la coalition nationale des organisations de la société civile Publiez Ce Que Vous Payez.
Social Media handles: Facebook: El Hadji Bouré Diouf; Twitter: El Hadji Bouré Diouf @HadjiBoure; LinkedIn : El Hadji Bouré Diouf

Fatoumata Tacko Soumaré
Gender: Female
Nationality: Senegal
Institutional Affiliation: Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar
Discipline: Philosophie
Title of Proposal: Les liens entre l’éthique et l’anthropologie chez Kant, un point sur ses théories racistes
Biography: Notre spécialisation porte sur la philosophie moderne et contemporaine mais dans un cadre décolonial. En effet, le thème de notre thèse est axé sur les liens entre l’éthique et l’anthropologie chez Kant , un point sur ses théories racistes.
Nous sommes par ailleurs passionnée de philosophie, d’éducation et de rencontres enrichissantes (d’un point de vue intellectuel). Nous enseignons la philosophie depuis bientôt sept années dans les lycées et un peu plus au département de philosophie de l’UCAD en tant que vacataire. Tout comme le professeur Souleymane Bachir Diagne, toute notre vie voudrait être liée à l’humain pour faire “humanité ensemble ” avec les autres.
Social Media handles: Facebook: Fatima Tacko Soumaré

Oumar Mboup
Gender: Male
Nationality: Senegal
Institutional Affiliation: Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar
Discipline: Philosophie
Title of Proposal: imaginer les devenirs africains
Biography: Domaines de recherches : la prospective en Afrique – Mon travail de thèse s’interroge sur les conditions de possibilité d’une philosophie prospective adaptée aux contextes et besoins africains et capable de prendre en compte les aspirations et les rêves des Africains dans un monde en pleine mutation. C’est à juste que je m’interroge sur les futurs africains ; sur l’avenir de la démocratie en Afrique, sur l’intégration africaine et sur la démographie et les devenirs de la jeunesse africaine.

Attipo Reisch Vanel
Gender: Male
Nationality: République du Congo (Congo Brazzaville)
Institutional Affiliation: Cervida-Université de Lomé
Discipline: Ecologie Urbaine et Assainissement / Développement Urbain DEcologie Urbaine et Assainissement / Développement Urbain Durable
Title of Proposal:
Biography: Reish Vanel Attipo est doctorant en développement urbain durable au Centre d’Excellence Régional sur les Villes Durables en Afrique (CERViDA) à l’Université de Lomé. Ses recherches portent sur l’évaluation de la vulnérabilité des réseaux urbains face aux inondations à Brazzaville et à Lomé. Reisch est titulaire d’un Master II en Gestion Urbaine de l’école africaine des métiers de l’architecture et de l’urbanisme (EAMAU) ; d’un certificat d’expert en financement des CDNs de Frankfurt School of Finance et Management et d’un programme de deuxième cycle court en analyse systémique de durabilité des politiques, stratégies, plans et programmes de développement de l’université de Québec à Chicoutimi (UQAC).
Social Media handles: Twitter : @VanelReisch; Linkedin : Reisch Vanel ATTIPO; Facebook : Rey Reisch

Le Bon Mulumeoderhwa Bujiriri
Gender: Male
Nationality: République Démocratique du Congo(RDC)
Institutional Affiliation: Université de Kisangani
Discipline: Sociologie
Title of Proposal: La politisation de l’espace universitaire et son incidence sur la production du savoir en RD Congo
Biography: Né à Ihanda dans la Province du Sud-Kivu, en République Démocratique du Congo (RDC), Le Bon MULUMEODERHWA BUJIRIRI obtient en 2003 son diplôme d’Etat en Pédagogie générale à l’Institut Nidunga. Titulaire d’une Licence et d’un Master en Sociology obtenus respectivement à l’Université Officielle de Bukavu (UOB) en 2008 et à l’Université de Kisangani (UNIKIS) en 2017, Lebon poursuit des études doctorales à l’Université de Kisangani. Il est par ailleurs, enseignant-chercheur et a publié plusieurs articles scientifiques dans les domaines de la sociologie de l’éducation et du travail.
Social Media handles: Twitter : @VanelReisch; Linkedin : Reisch Vanel ATTIPO; Facebook : Rey Reisch

Dafel Tchindebe Aurélie Laila
Gender: Female
Nationality: Cameroun
Institutional Affiliation: Université de Maroua
Discipline: Histoire politique et relations internationales
Title of Proposal: Les accords de gestion de ressources naturelles entre le Tchad et le Cameroun de 1970 à 2021 : enjeux et perspectives
Biography: Dafel Aurélie est une doctorante camerounaise, inscrite à l’école doctorale Sciences de l’homme et de la société, à l’université de Maroua. Diplômée d’une licence et d’un master recherche en histoire politique et relations internationales obtenus à l’université de Ngaoundéré au Cameroun, elle poursuit ses études de doctorat Ph.D sur : « Les accords de gestion de ressources naturelles entre le Tchad et le Cameroun de 1970 à 2021 : enjeux et perspectives ». Elle éprouve un grand intérêt pour la bonne gouvernance des ressources naturelles en Afrique subsaharienne sous le joug des violences écologiques et anthropiques. La gestion rationnelle et durable des ressources naturelles est pour elle une aspiration réelle pour la sécurité sociale, environnementale et économique des générations actuelles et futures face aux enjeux de développement durable.
Social Media handles: Facebook and Instagram: aurélie dafel

Djaha Joël Fabrice Konan
Gender: Male
Nationality: Côte d’Ivoire
Institutional Affiliation: Université Félix Houfouet Boigny
Discipline: Sociologie de la santé – communautés virtuelles
Title of Proposal: Sujet à polémique en contexte de riposte aux épidémies de Covid-19 en Côte d’Ivoire : une netnographie des communautés virtuelles Facebook
Biography: Joël Fabrice Djaha est Doctorant en Sociologie à l’Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny d’Abidjan. Il mène des recherches en Côte d’Ivoire sur les infox et polémiques à propos de la Covid-19 auprès des communautés virtuelles Facebook. Il accorde un intérêt particulier aux approches méthodologiques et considérations éthiques relatives à l’étude des communautés virtuelles. Joël est par ailleurs assistant de recherches à temps partiel au Programme PAC-CI à Abidjan. Gestionnaire d’infodémie, il est passionné de TICs, de photographie. Joël s’intéresse à des formes variées de transferts de connaissance dont le format vidéo et les notes de politique. Dans cette dynamique, il développe des capsules vidéos au Groupe de Recherches en Socio-Anthropologie Appliquées à la Santé et au Vieillissement.
Social Media handles: Facebook : joel fabrice djaha; Twitter : Djaha_Joel; LinkedIn : joel fabrice djaha

Melusi Lungisani Mntungwa
Gender: Male
Nationality: South Africa
Institutional Affiliation: UNISA
Discipline: Histoire politique et relations internationales
Biography: Melusi Mntungwa is an emerging scholar currently with the Department of Communication Science at the University of South Africa where he teaches and supervises at the postgraduate level. His multidisciplinary research interests include: African spirituality and African sexualities, media representations of African gender and sexualities, and the health disparities of sexual minorities with a particular focus on Health Communication and promotion for these groups within the African context. He is particularly interested in how we can reimagine Communication using African philosophies and methodologies that will lead to organically inclusive communication tools that do not relegate diverse genders and sexualities to the peripheries.

Ivan Mkhomazi
Gender: Male
Nationality: South Africa
Institutional Affiliation: UNISA
Discipline: Brand Leadership
Biography: Ivan Mkhomazi is an Integrated Communucation Specialist specializing in Marketing and Brand Communication. He is currently enrolled for an interdisciplinary PhD in Brand Leadership focusing on Emotional Branding and Blackness. Ivan’s research is on the employment of indigenous ways to collect data in order to best understand African consumers. His studies argue that the advertising communication leaders must transform the discipline and use decolonial practices to authentically represent Blackness and Africa in advertising and marketing.

Bernett Nkwayi Mulungo
Gender: Male
Nationality: South Africa
Institutional Affiliation: UNISA
Discipline: Music
Title of Proposal: “Play in a Score: Composing for Contemporary South African Theatre”.
Biography: Bernett Nkwayi Mulungo is a lecturer in the Department of Art and Music at the University of South Africa (UNISA). His area of speciality is music theory and composition in African music, Jazz, and Western Art Music. He holds both Bachelor of Music and Master of Music degree(s) from the University of the Witwatersrand, where he majored in composition and research on music composition in South African theatre. As a composer (and performer), he has collaborated with theatre practitioners in productions that have been performed in South African and neighbouring countries.

Mairomola Joseph Ngoaketsi
Gender: Male
Nationality: South Africa
Institutional Affiliation: UNISA
Title of Proposal: Changes, shifts, and continuity in the commemoration and memorialisation of Sharpeville massacre in the context of historical amnesia and political distortion
Biography: Joseph Mairomola Ngoaketsi is a native of South African archivist and Records Management consultant, editor, and lecturer of Archives and Records Management based at the University of South Africa. He earned her master’s degree in History at the University of Free state. He has published on Library, Records and Archives, education, and decoloniality of knowledge. He recently co-edited the book Knowledge Economy: The Implications of Intellectual Capital Management for the Library and Information Professions. IGI Global.(2021). He is also a doctoral scholarship recipient of the National Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences (NIHSS). His doctoral study at the University of Witwatersrand deals with historical memory, cultural memory, heritagization, and commodification of the Sharpeville Massacre of 21 March 1960.

Philangani Thembinkosi Sibiya
Gender: Male
Nationality: South Africa
Institutional Affiliation: UNISA
Title of Proposal: The use of home languages in sharing knowledge Africa
Biography: Philangani Thembinkosi Sibiya is a lecturer in the Department of Information Science under the College of Human Science, University of South Africa (UNISA). He has the following qualifications: PhD of Information Science (yet to graduate at UNISA), Master of Arts in Library and Information Science (University of Zululand) and Bachelor of Library and Information Science (University of Zululand). His research interests are on Library and Information Science (LIS) education, LIS job market, information organisation and retrieval and digital scholarship. He also has research interests in Africanisation, decoloniality and recording of African local indigenous knowledge via digital resources. Philangani is currently recording indigenous knowledge artifacts relating to African medicine, games, jurisdiction systems and general problem solving using South African local official languages.

Melusi Lindokuhle Mbatha
Gender: Male
Nationality: South Africa
Institutional Affiliation: UNISA
Title of Proposal: Re-defining the history of psychology in conqueror South Africa from an Africanist point of view
Biography: Melusi Mbatha a lecturer in the department of psychology, University of South Africa. His research interests are in examining the history of psychiatry and psychology in conqueror South Africa. Melusi is currently a PHD candidate at Sefako Makgatho University.

Brenda Makelatetse Thoka
Gender: Female
Nationality: South Africa
Institutional Affiliation: UNISA
Discipline: English Studies
Title of Proposal: The Quest for my People: Interrogating Discourses of Race and Gender in Selected Modern Fantasy Novels
Biography: Brenda is a lecturer in the English Studies Department at the University of South Africa in Pretoria, South Africa. She is also a PhD candidate whose research interests are: Race, Gender, Black Feminism, Speculative Fiction, Intersectionality, African-Futurism, African Literature and Popular Culture.

Lerato Sandiswa Kobe
Gender: Female
Nationality: South Africa
Institutional Affiliation: UNISA
Discipline: Christian Spirituality, Christian History and Missiology
Title of Proposal: Between Ubuntu and forgiveness: Desmond Tutu’s contribution to a theology of forgiveness
Biography: Sandiswa Lerato Kobe is a Lecturer in Missiology in the Department of Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology at the University of South Africa (Unisa), in South Africa. Sandiswa holds a Master of Theology from the University of the Western Cape (UWC), South Africa. Her master’s in theology focused on The Relationship between Remorse and Offering Forgiveness: Selected Case Studies from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of South Africa (TRC). When she was studying towards her master’s thesis she grew the love and passion to work on human rights issues, transitional justice, reconciliation, forgiveness, and Ubuntu. Therefore, she continued and developed the work on her master’s programme to a PhD thesis, where she is focusing more on forgiveness, Ubuntu, and justice. Her PhD research topic is titled: Between Ubuntu and Forgiveness: A critical analysis of Desmond Tutu’s theology of forgiveness. Sandiswa Lerato Kobe is a PhD Candidate at the University of Pretoria, and VU University Amsterdam. She holds the VU University Amsterdam – NRF Desmond Tutu Doctoral Scholarship.
Sandiswa Lerato Kobe is an activist, a Pan Africanist, decolonial scholar, and she is one of South Africa’s foremost emerging scholars in the field of Black theology of liberation. Her research interest, and area of work focuses on Black feminist theology, womanist theology of liberation, African philosophy of Ubuntu, and Decolonisation of the Education system in Africa. She has about five publications in peered reviewed journals.

Paseka Stephen Pharumele
Gender: Male
Nationality: South Africa
Institutional Affiliation: UNISA
Discipline: Anthropology

Makhukwane Josephine Malala
Gender: Female
Nationality: South Africa
Institutional Affiliation: UNISA
Title of Proposal: Doing Good through NGO activism? An exploration of intervention programmes on the women who sell sex in the province of Gauteng, South Africa

Vuyolwethu Seti-Sonamzi ( UNISA Team Leader)
Gender: Female
Nationality: South Africa
Institutional Affiliation: UNISA
Discipline: Communication
Biography: Dr Vuyolwethu Seti-Sonamzi is the Head of the Office of Transformation in the College of Human Sciences at the University of South Africa. She is interested in discourses of Blackness in Communication Studies, race-sm, coloniality, decolonial thought, re-Africanisation, activism-intellectualism-artivism, indigenous and African epistemologies. Dr Seti-Sonamzi leads projects that analyse normalised narratives that externalise Black South Africans from the land of their foremothers in the national psyche. She interrogates methodologies from the perspective of those on the underside of Euro-American modernity.

Nokuthula Lucinda Hlabangane (UNISA Observer)
Gender: Female
Nationality: South Africa
Institutional Affiliation: UNISA
Biography: Positioning herself squarely in the margins, Nokuthula Hlabangane, borrows from WEB DuBois by insisting that while she is in the university, she is not of the university. In a quest to appear in her own right, Hlabangane is highly attuned to the politics of knowledge. As such, she leverages the possibilities that are possible in the insider-outsider positionality. In this way, no truth claim escapes critical scrutiny. Hlabangane is hard pressed to associate herself with a particular research interest, instead her work has been concerned with ‘researching research’. Hlabangane, an Associate Professor at UNISA, is a consumate student of the ‘ways of Africa’ historically relegated to the margins.