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Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa



Advanced Humanities Fellowships: Call for Proposals

Submission Deadline : 28th February 2020

The Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa, CODESRIA, invites proposals from senior African academics in the humanities within Africa and in the diaspora for the award of Advanced Fellowships in the humanities. The overall focus of the fellowships will be to support senior academics in the humanities seeking to explore and map out new terrains in the study of the humanities in Africa. This could include a focus on issues of theory, methodology and conceptual framing or propose new ways of broadening the scope of the humanities in the continent beyond the traditional academic disciplines, to encompass emerging areas such as the digital and public humanities and show how the traditional humanities disciplines would accommodate or be accommodated by the emerging areas of study.

The output expected from each of the fellowships to be awarded is a monograph that will clearly chart new research directions in the study of the humanities in Africa and serve as a research guideline for early career researchers. The monograph will be expected to enrich the state of knowledge in the humanities in African universities, contribute to the reinforcement and promotion of a culture of quality scholarship in the humanities and expand research areas in order to enhance the level of knowledge on different aspects of the humanities both within and outside the universities. Senior scholars already doing work related to emerging areas in the humanities in Africa and in need of support to extend the level of their research in ways envisaged in this call are encouraged to apply. The fellowships will be non-residential and will be tenable for one year. The output to be submitted by scholars to be funded under this component of the grant will be a book monograph of 50,000 to 60,000 words, which will be published by CODESRIA.

Those submitting proposals should include the following:

  1. A recent CV highlighting the candidate’s strengths in the areas indicated in this call.
  2. A 5-10-page proposal synopsis indicating the specific theme/topic to be investigated, articulate a clear conceptual framing for the work to be undertaken and clearly linked to emerging areas in the humanities and a workplan, showing how the work will be undertaken within the duration of the fellowship. The duration for the fellowship will be a minimum of 8 months and a maximum of 12 months.
  3. A letter indicating institutional affiliation.

All application documents should be submitted electronically via the link

The Application documents should clearly indicate “CODESRIA Advanced Humanities Fellowships

Bourses de recherche avancée en sciences humaines: Appel à propositions

Advanced Humanities Fellowships: Call for Proposals