Atelier méthodologique sous-régional sur les sciences sociales en Afrique : session 2013 pour l’Afrique du Nord
Thème: Terrains et théories de l’enquête qualitative Date limite : 27 juillet 2013 Date: 04-08 Novembre 2013Lieu: CRASC, Oran, Algérie Appel à candidatures Une des faiblesses majeures de la recherche sociale contemporaine en Afrique est le peu de considération accordée aux questions épistémologiques et méthodologiques à un moment où se manifeste une complexité croissante
CODESRIA Methodology Workshop Series: Training the Trainers
Theme: Quantitative and Qualitative Methods in Social Science Research Deadline: 26 april, 2013 Date: 17-21June 2013Venue: Dakar, Senegal Call for Applications Are you a lecturer in an African university? Do you have responsibility for the teaching of courses on research methods? If so, this announcement is targeted at you. The Council for the Development of
Sub-Regional Methodology Workshops for Social Research in Africa: 2013 Session for East and Southern Africa
Theme: Fields and Theories of Qualitative Research Deadline: 28 June, 2013 Date: 23 – 27 September 2013Venue: Naïrobi, Kenya Call for Applications Introduction One of the major weaknesses of contemporary social research in and about Africa is its lack of careful attention to epistemological and methodological issues. This weakness has made itself manifest at a
CODESRIA National Working Groups: A Call for Proposals for 2013
Deadline: 31 May, 2013 One of the most important vehicles by which CODESRIA has sought to mobilise national-level research capacities and to channel these into organised reflections has been the National Working Groups (NWGs) which has encouraged African researchers to organise autonomously on priority themes of their choice. NWGs have been
2013 IASC Africa Regional Meeting
Research has shown that success in dealing with problems facing Africa commons management may lie in addressing fragmentation of the knowledge base and, hence, management policy. Traditionally management has been carried out by government agencies that focus on a particular sector, e.g. fisheries, agriculture or forestry, using knowledge from scientists
Job Opening: OSIWA Higher Education Support Program Officer
POSITION RE-ADVERTISEMENTOPEN SOCIETY INITIATIVE FOR WEST AFRICA (OSIWA) Higher Education Support Program Officer The Open Society Foundations work to build vibrant and tolerant democracies whose governments are accountable to their citizens. To achieve this mission, the Foundations seek to shape public policies that assure greater fairness in political, legal, and economic systems
Research Vacancies African Studies Centre Leiden
The African Studies Centre (ASC) in Leiden is seeking to recruit two Researchers 0.7-1.0 fte with specialization in political economy, international relations, and/or politics as they relate to Africa with a focus on such issues as the macroeconomics of trade, investment, finance, aid, and remittances; international and/or regional security; the role of
Call for Papers: UNILAG Sociological Review
UNILAG Sociological Review is a peer-reviewed multi-disciplinary journal that publishes scholarly works on contemporary sociological issues of development. The areas covered include theoretical and methodological issues, development, political sociology, deviance, gender, religion, family, industry, urban sociology and demography. The Editorial Board of the journal uses this medium to call for well-researched papers/articles
Pan-Africanism: Adapting African Stories/Histories from Text to Screen
Date: 25-26 February 2013 Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso CODESRIA, the African Guild of Filmmakers and the Pan African Film & Television Festival (FESPACO) Pan-Africanism: Adapting African Stories/Histories from Text to Screen International Workshop, to be held within the framework of the 23rd FESPACO25-26 February 2013Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso The Council for the Development of Social Science
Job Vacancy Announcement Programme Officer (Research)
Deadline: 28 February 2013 The Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) invites applications from African scholars to fill a vacant position of Programme Officer (Research) in its pan-African Secretariat located in Dakar, Senegal. This position is categorized as belonging to the senior staff of the Council