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Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa



Call for Papers for First Annual International Interdisciplinary Conference, to be held at Kisii University, July 30 to August 2, 2014, Kisii, Kenya

Deadline: 30th May 2014

General conference theme: “Africa and the New World Order”

Conference venue: Kisii University, Main Campus, Kisii Town, Kenya

The rise of China and India as global economic powers has created new development dynamics, synergies and imperatives for Africa. Many African countries are looking for new global partners in order to create and fashion better development opportunities for their people. Global forces have triggered changes in social, economic, political and cultural spheres which have shaped events on the continent in ways that are all-encompassing. There is increasing realization that the world is a global village where influences move back and forth in rapid succession between cultures, so that it is often not easy to tell the original from the duplicate. The changes triggered by global forces will be the focus of the 2014 First Annual International Interdisciplinary Conference. The purpose of this conference on Africa and the new world order is to bring to the forefront new perspectives that address how Africa has respondent to forces of globalization, especially to the rise of China and India.

Kisii University is one of the newest public universities in Kenya, and was awarded its charter by former President Mwai Kibaki in February 06, 2013, becoming the 14th Public University in Kenya. The University is located in a picturesque area surrounded by beautiful hills, west of the Great Rift Valley in south-western highlands, less than 100km from the famous Maasai Mara National Park, and less than 100km from Lake Victoria. Famous for its banana cuisines, and constant rain, Kisii town is home to Kisii University which has a population of 10,000 students and 450 academic staff members. Participants to the International Conference who arrive on July 29 2013 before the conference starts will be picked from Nairobi in subsidized transport by Kisii University buses at 2000/- return and taken to the main campus in Kisii town where the conference will take place. Participants who come after July 30 will be organized into pooled transport to save on travel costs. Tours to various attractions will be organized at a separate fee (separate from the conference registration fees) for interested delegates. Hotel accommodation is not part of the conference registration fees. Conference material, teas and lunches will be catered for under the conference registration fees. No additional charges will be required for publication of the proceedings and edited volumes and journals.

Organized and hosted by the Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic Affairs) of Kisii University with the support of all faculties at the university, this First Interdisciplinary International Conference will be held between July 30 and August 2, 2014 at the Kisii Main Campus, in Kisii Town, Kenya. Submission of abstracts: Send abstracts of between 250 and 500 words, including full contact details (title, name, address, email-address, and telephone) as well as institutional affiliation by 30th March, 2014 to Prof. Maurice Amutabi at mauriceamutabi@gmail.com or Amutabi@yahoo.com

The deadline for submission of full papers is 30th May 2014. All papers presented at the conference will be published in edited volumes and journals affiliated to Kisii University after satisfactory peer review process. The conference will consist of several colloquia organized along themes.