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Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae lorem.

Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa



Call for papers: International Society for African Philosophy and Studies (ISAPS)

Department of Philosophy, in conjunction with the Fort Hare Institute for Social and Economic Research (FHISER), Fort Hare University, Eastern Cape, Chintsa, South Africa.

Conference organisers: Dr Rianna Oelofsen, Prof Leslie Bank, Dr Luvuyo Ntombana, Prof Charles Verharen & Motsamai Molefe.

What is ‘Africa’, and who is ‘African’? How do identity and culture feature in the politics of Africa and its diasporas? Is there a role for ‘race’ in the understanding of African identity and culture? Is there a role for Steve Biko’s philosophy of ‘black consciousness’ in the current global political landscape, and if so, what is the role it should play? What is the relationship between different identities and oppressive relationships, and what is the best way of approaching emancipation in contexts where identity plays a core role in oppressive relationships, such as in oppressive relationships between different genders or races? What avenues are there to explore our mutuality and connectedness across these divides as captured by the politics of difference and oppression?

Through focusing on concepts such as ‘black consciousness’ which have their roots in Africa, (yet engaging with these concepts critically) this conference is meant as a project of decolonising the mind, and is meant to allow an avenue to continue to question how we can live and theorize in a world which structurally marginalizes Africa and its contributions. The conference invites papers discussing practical approaches to decolonising the mind through decolonising university curricula.

Deadline for Submission of Abstracts: 28 February 2014

Please note that there have been issues with visas not being processed in time in the past, and so we encourage international delegates to send in their abstracts as soon as possible, so that there is ample time to ensure visas are processed in time.

Date of Conference:
Arrival: Thursday, 29 May, 2014
Conference: Friday, 30 – Saturday, 31 May, 2014
Fort Hare Historical tour to Alice campus, 1 June 2014

Conference fee and accommodation:
The organisers would appreciate if delegates whose papers are accepted could pay the conference fee of US$120 (+ US$30 for membership to the society if interested) as soon as they receive their acceptance letter. Arrangements will be made for electronic payments.

Delegates who are interested to stay at the venue should also indicate this, and please pay a deposit of 50% for accommodation deposit. Delegates can view the venue and accommodation details at http://www.crawfordsbeachlodge.co.za/

Submission and enquiries: