Doctoral Workshop in World History, June 3 -15, 2013
Deadline: March 31, 2013 The World History Center at the University of Pittsburgh is happy to announce its third twoweek summer doctoral workshop on World History. The workshop addresses the construction of dissertation projects and teaching curriculum in world history. The program is based on common readings and discussions in World
Conference On Land, Race And Nation In South Africa: A Century Of Dispossession 1913 – 2013
Venue: Cape Town, South Africa, Date: 19–21 June 2013 Awaking on Friday morning, June 20, 1913, the South African Native found himself, not actually a slave, but a pariah in the land of his birth. Sol Plaatje (Native Life in South Africa, 1916) 1. BACKGROUND The notorious Natives Land Act of 1913 confirmed
2013 IASC Africa Regional Meeting
Research has shown that success in dealing with problems facing Africa commons management may lie in addressing fragmentation of the knowledge base and, hence, management policy. Traditionally management has been carried out by government agencies that focus on a particular sector, e.g. fisheries, agriculture or forestry, using knowledge from scientists
Job Opening: OSIWA Higher Education Support Program Officer
POSITION RE-ADVERTISEMENTOPEN SOCIETY INITIATIVE FOR WEST AFRICA (OSIWA) Higher Education Support Program Officer The Open Society Foundations work to build vibrant and tolerant democracies whose governments are accountable to their citizens. To achieve this mission, the Foundations seek to shape public policies that assure greater fairness in political, legal, and economic systems
Research Vacancies African Studies Centre Leiden
The African Studies Centre (ASC) in Leiden is seeking to recruit two Researchers 0.7-1.0 fte with specialization in political economy, international relations, and/or politics as they relate to Africa with a focus on such issues as the macroeconomics of trade, investment, finance, aid, and remittances; international and/or regional security; the role of
Call for Papers: UNILAG Sociological Review
UNILAG Sociological Review is a peer-reviewed multi-disciplinary journal that publishes scholarly works on contemporary sociological issues of development. The areas covered include theoretical and methodological issues, development, political sociology, deviance, gender, religion, family, industry, urban sociology and demography. The Editorial Board of the journal uses this medium to call for well-researched papers/articles
The African Author Prize
Are you an African PhD student? Or an early career African scholar? If so, consider submitting your best article to African Affairs and you could be considered for the African Author Prize. The Prize is awarded every second year, and African Phd students in overseas universities and African-based authors at the