Development Research Conference: Call for abstracts
Deadline March 21 Number of visits: 4603 Theme: Global Visions and Local PracticesDevelopment Research in a Post-2015 WorldStockholm, August 22-24, Call for abstracts - deadline March 21 AIM The aim with this conference is to provide a multi-disciplinary forum for networking and intellectual exchange among scholars who conduct research in and of relevance to
Call for Applications: Peace and Security Fellowship for African Women
Introduction The African Leadership Centre (ALC) was established in Kenya in June 2010 as a joint initiative of King’s College London and the University of Nairobi. The ALC is pleased to announce a call for applications for the Peace and Security Fellowship for African Women for 2016/2017. This Fellowship is an
Position Announcement: Director, Inclusive Economies (Economic Opportunity and Assets)
SUMMARY DESCRIPTION: The Ford Foundation seeks a dynamic and creative leader and strategist for this newly created senior management position, directing one of the seven thematic areas that will define our programming. Reporting to one of the three Program Vice Presidents, the Director will be responsible for overseeing the two lines
XX Congrès de l’AISLF – Montréal, 4-8 juillet 2016
CR25 - Sociologie des relations professionnelles et du syndicalismeSyndicalisme et relations professionnelles dans des sociétés en mouvement : quel renouvellement du regard sociologique ? Après nous être interrogés, à Rabat, sur l’ébranlement des institutions régulatrices du travail, nous proposons d’aborder la recomposition des niveaux de régulation, la transformation du rôle de
Call for Applications: Peace, Security and Development Fellowship for African Scholars
MSc Security, Leadership and Society,-Leadership—Society-.aspx Introduction The African Leadership Centre (ALC) was established in Kenya in June 2010 as a joint initiative of King’s College London and the University of Nairobi. The ALC is pleased to announce a call for applications for the Peace, Security and Development Fellowships for African Scholars starting
Child Poverty and Social Protection in Western and Central Africa
Abuja, Nigeria, 23-25 May 2016 CALL FOR PAPERS According to a path-breaking study commissioned by UNICEF in 2003, child poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa (in particular in Western and Central Africa) was extremely high. Fortunately, the situation has since improved in many countries. This is in part due to the expansion of social
Call for Proposals: WISC-IRIIS Exploratory Workshops
Deadline: 7 November 2015 11 – 13 January 2016, New Delhi, India Theorizing in the International Relations discipline remains a Global North (mainly North America and Western Europe) enterprise that continues to be the primary knowledge-, especially theory-producing hub shaping its foundational parameters and key problematiques. Many, if not most, alternate intellectual
Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship Awards, 2015
School of Built Environment and Development Studies, University of KwaZulu-Natal TrustAfrica, under the administration of the School of Built Environment and Development Studies, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa is pleased to announce 2 Post-Doctoral Fellowships for 2015. The fellowship awards are for R200,000 per annum and there is the possibility
BUWA! Journal on African Women’s Experiences, Issue 6
Call for Articles into Theme: WOMEN AND MIGRATION IN AFRICA This issue explores African women’s experiences of migration and displacement through multiple lenses. We seek submissions that shed light on international, regional, national and local policies that shape women’s choices (or lack thereof) and experiences of migration, exclusion and displacement. Migration
Regional Conference on: Building Democratic Developmental States for Economic Transformation in Southern Africa
20th -23rd July 2015 Call for Abstracts/Papers The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, Southern Africa Office in collaboration with the UNDP, South Africa, Southern Africa Trust and the Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa (OSISA) are organising a regional conference on: Building Democratic Developmental States for Economic Transformation in Southern Africa from 20th