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Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa




The ALC is pleased to announce a call for applications for the Peace, Security and Development Fellowships for African Scholars starting in September 2019. This Fellowship programme is designed to expose junior African scholars to the complexities of security and development issues facing the African continent. The Fellowship covers an 18-month

Date: April 1-5, 2019#CODESRIAMRI2019 CODESRIA in collaboration with Cellule d’Analyse des Politiques Economiques of Cires (CAPEC) will be organizing a Methodology and Scholarly Writing workshop for its 2018/2019 Meaning-making Research Initiatives (MRI) cohorts. The workshop will take place in Abidjan on April 1-5, 2019. The MRI was adopted in 2017 as

Date: Jeudi 4 juillet 2019Lieu: Dakar, Senegal   L’atelier vise à encourager des chercheurs émergents en études africaines à soumettre des textes non encore publiés, écrits en francais, et à les aider à en faire des propositions d’articles de haute qualité. Les chercheuses et chercheurs éligibles pour soumettre une demande de participation

Application deadline: April 30, 2019 Questions and Inquiries: submission@codesria.org Established in 1973, the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) promotes research by African and Diaspora scholars in the Social Sciences and Humanities that can contribute to a better understanding of Africa and its place in the world.

Theme: Women, Informal Economies and the Financialization of Micro-Credit in Africa. Application Deadlines: Director & Resource Persons: 31st March 2019 Laureates: 30 April 2019. Date for the institute: 17-28 June 2019 Venue: Dakar, SenegalQuestions and Inquiries: submission@codesria.org   The Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa, CODESRIA, invites proposal submissions from African academics and

The Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa, CODESRIA, invites proposal submissions from African academics and researchers to participate in the 2019 session of the Democratic Governance Institute, which will take place in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire from July 15th-26th 2019. A limited number of non- African academics and

Application Deadline The deadline for Receiving completed applications is 15th April 2019. Candidates will be informed of the results of the selection process by 31st May 2019 and the institute for selected students and their supervisors will be held in the course of August 2019.Questions and Inquiries: submission@codesria.org Background The Council for the

Deadline: 30th. April 2019Questions and Inquiries: submission@codesria.org The Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA), with support from the Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY) is implementing an “African Academic Diaspora Support to African Universities Program.” One component of the program entails linking senior African Diaspora academics

Institute on the Role of Middle-level Academics in University leadership Dates for the institute: 20th- 31st of May 2019 Deadline for submission of applications: 31 March 2019 Venue: Accra, Ghana Questions and Inquiries: submission@codesria.org The Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) invites proposals from middle level academics in African universities

Call for African Academic Diaspora visiting Professorships in the Humanities, Social Sciences and Higher Education Studies to African Universities. Period of Visiting Professorship: May-December 2019 Application Deadline: 15th April 2019.Questions and Inquiries: submission@codesria.org The Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA)invites joint proposals from African academics in the Diaspora

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