Forthcoming Book: Economies de la prison en Afrique du Sud, au Nigeria et au Sénégal
This book offers an ethnography of the prison institution in three African countries and reports on its evolution/appropriation over time. By describing the actors and their interactions/transactions, the production of legitimacies and identity constructions, and the permeability of the boundaries between inside and outside, it lifts the veil on the
Forthcoming Book: Home and Exile: Forced Migrations and South Sudanese Refugees in Kenya’s Kakuma Refugee Camp
The story of humankind is about the search for hospitable places to call home.Migration is historically a part of this story. People have left one place for the other, based on challenges in the place of origin, and perceived attractions in the desired destinations. In emergency migrations, the character of
Forthcoming Book “Beyond Disciplines: African Perspectives on Theory and Method”
“This volume, Beyond Disciplines: African Perspectives on Theory and Method edited by Wanjala Nasong’o and Eka Ikpe, is a timely magnum opus that is bound to generate groundbreaking African-centered and theory-driven ontological, epistemological, and methodological debates needed in colleges and universities globally, particularly in Africa” – Korwa, G. Adar, University of
Forthcoming Book “Aspects of SOCIO-ECONOMIC RIGHTS in Botswana”
“This collection is a fascinating account of the state of the protection of socio-economic rights in Botswana which features well established and emerging scholars. Taken together, the chapters present a comprehensive treatment of the subject, exposing the potentials and limitations of the approach to the protection of socio-economic rights taken
CODESRIA Catalogue of publications 2016 – 2017
The CODESRIA Publications Programme was designed to disseminate the results and ideas generated by networks of research institutions, seminars, conferences and other scienti c activities. Given that one of CODESRIA’s principal objectives
Dani Nabudere’s Afrikology – A Quest for African Holism
Dani Wadada Nabudere, the illustrious Ugandan scholar, produced a divers body of work on various aspects of African culture, politics, and philosophy. Toward the end of his life, he formulated a theoretical construct that he termed “Afrikology.” Unlike most other Afrocentrists, who have stopped with
Gender and Fundamentalisms
When, why and how can religion and culture be both sources and places of expression for fundamentalisms especially when they are connected to politics? Those are central questions raised throughout this book. What is at stake here is religion when it underpins culture and becomes a political tool to access
White Ferocity: From Non-Whites to Non-Aryans Concealed Genocides from 1492 to Date
Rosa Amelia Plumelle-Uribe’s book La Férocité blanche: Des non-blancs aux non-aryens, génocides occultés de 1492 à nos jours was first published in March 2001. A German translation was published soon after. CODESRIA is honoured to release the first