The Council is organised a colloquium on Academic Freedom and Sustainable Development in Africa. The colloquium is taking place in Maputo, Mozambique, from 15-17 April 2024. Please find attached the program You can also follow the meeting using the Zoom link below. Thank you. Universidade Eduardo Mondlane is inviting you to a
Official Opening Ceremony
Day 1: Monday, 4th December 2023 - 9:00 am – 11:00 am Official Opening Ceremony: Welcoming Speeches & Solidarity Messages Welcoming Speeches Chair: Amy Niang, Senior Programme Officer, CODESRIA i) Godwin Murunga, Executive Secretary of CODESRIA (Senegal) ii) Isabel Maria Cortesão Casimiro, President of CODESRIA, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (Mozambique) iii) Adebayo Olukoshi, Chair of the
Meaning-making Research Initiatives (MRI) 2023-2024: Special call for Female Scholars
Application deadline: February 20, 2024 Founded in 1973, the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) promotes research by African and Diaspora scholars in the Social Sciences and Hu- manities with the view to better understanding social phenomena in Africa. This commitment is rooted in the belief
2023 CODESRIA College of Mentors Doctoral Students Mentorship Institute
Program Activities and Institute Syllabus Facilitators: Prof. Abdul Karim Bangura (American University, USA) Coordinator Prof. Josephine Ahikire (Makerere University, Uganda) Prof Amy Niang (Research Program, CODESRIA) Coordinated by CODESRIA Secretariat Email: Seminar Description This seminar is meant to augment other efforts by CODESRIA to support doctoral education in the Social Sciences and Humanities in African Universities. The
CODESRIA Bulletin Online, No. 9, October 2023 – Development, Development Cooperation and Africa in the Twenty-First Century
This Note, prepared as a knowledge product for the forthcoming Development Leaders Conference in Oslo, Prof. Grieve Chelwa of the Africa Institute in Sharjah explores the prospects for Africa’s development in the 21st Century by assessing several factors that he anticipates will impact the prospects. Prof. Chelwa concludes that “granting
Africa Development Vol. 48 No. 2 (2023): Special Issue on Covid-19 Pandemic and African Economies
Special Issue on Covid-19 Pandemic and African Economies (Including a Revised Text of the Second Thandika Mkandawire Annual Memorial Lecture) Contents Editorial Badar Alam Iqbal
Rest in Peace Prof. Micere Githae Mugo
We mourn the passing of Prof. Micere Githae Mugo, Former Chair of CODESRIA Scientific Committee, a true luminary of literature, activism, and academia. Her indelible contributions as a distinguished professor, playwright, poet, author, and critic have left an indelible mark on the world. May her powerful words continue to inspire
Reflections Meeting: 2023 CODESRIA Gender Institute
CODESRIA's Gender Institute has been at the forefront of the Council’s work on gender for 28 years. We are delighted to host a 3-day meeting in Kampala, Uganda from 7-9 June to reflect on the contributions of the institute to gender research, envision an epistemic breakthrough, and shape the future
16 ͣ Assembleia Geral do CODESRIA Chamada para resumos e comunicações
4 a 8 de Dezembro de 2023Dacar, Senegal Tema: As Ciências Sociais e a “Pandemia” em África O Conselho para o Desenvolvimento da Pesquisa em Ciências Sociais em África (CODESRIA) realizará a 16 ͣ Assembleia Geral em Dacar, Senegal, de 4 a 8 de Dezembro de 2023. O Conselho escolheu o tema “As Ciências