CODESRIA Book Series is the oldest and most robust series in the Council’s stable of publications. It is primarily geared towards publishing the results of the CODESRIA Research Programme and Training, Grants and Fellowships Programme. The series also accepts unsolicited individual manuscripts deemed to be outstanding contributions to African social science and/or humanities research.
Latest Books

Beyond the Coloniality of Internationalism – Reworlding the World from the Global South
Sabelo J. Ndlovu-Gatsheni

Justice During Transitions: Policies that reflect African Realities
Cori Wielenga
Christopher Changwe Nshimbi

Chasing Freedom: Histories, Analyses and Voices of Student Activism in South Africa
Suntosh R. Pillay
Zukiswa Mqolomba

Aspects of SOCIO-ECONOMIC RIGHTS in Botswana
Bonolo Ramadi Dinokopila
Jimcall Pfumorodze
Rowland Cole

Les matérialités contemporaines du religieux aux frontières du privé
Fabienne Samso
Mame Penda Ba