Africa Development
Africa Development is a quarterly bilingual journal. It is a social science journal with a major focus on issues that are central to the development of society. Its principal objective is to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas among African scholars from a variety of intellectual persuasions and various disciplines. The journal also encourages the submission of articles by other contributors working on Africa or those undertaking a comparative analysis of the developing world issues.
Latest Issue: Africa Development, Volume 49, n° 3, 2024
Past Issues:
Journal of Higher Education in Africa
The journal publishes research articles, think pieces and critiques on contemporary issues on higher education in the continent with a special emphasis on issues of research and policy. The journal accepts contributions in English and French from researchers, practitioners and policymakers.
Latest Issue: Journal of Higher Education in Africa, Volume 20, No. 2, 2022
Past Issues:
African Sociological Review
The African Sociological Review is a biannual publication that exists in the first instance to promote the extension of sociological and anthropological thought among scholars working in Africa. Relevant work from elsewhere is also considered. Contributions may be in English or French.
Latest Issue: African Sociological Review, Volume 26, n° 2, 2022
Past Issues:
Identity, Culture and Politics: an afro-asian dialogue
Africa Review of Books
Latest Issue: Africa Review of Books, volume 14, n° 2, 2018
Past Issues:
Archived Journals
PDP maintains an archive of journals that are no longer published by CODESRIA or that have been discontinued, with the possibility of reviving their production in the future.