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Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa



Comparative Research Networks 2015 Competition

Application deadlines: Laureates (February 28, 2015). Evaluators (January 31, 2015)

CODESRIA is a Pan-African membership research organization established in 1973 with the broad goal of promoting the work of African and Diaspora social scientists. The Comparative Research Network Competition is a long-standing tool that CODESRIA uses to encourage the development and consolidation of a comparative analytic perspective in the work of African social science researchers. The goal of the program is to contribute to the establishment of a strong corpus of comparative studies produced by African and Diaspora scholars that is theoretically innovative while being grounded in sound empirical research. The competition seeks to support work employing temporal and spatial frames of analysis and units of analysis that range from the regional and sub-regional to the national and local. The CODESRIA CRN Program encourages intra-African comparative work that explores and exploits the variegated nature of social realities on the continent as well as studies that put the continent in conversation with other areas of world with particular emphasis on the Global South.
Priority research themes for the constitution of CRNs for 2014 include the following:

1. Higher education, ICT and internationalization: the changing landscape of higher education and research; neo-liberalism, its evolution and African responses to it;
2. Climate change, resources and development: the new scramble for African resources; agrarian transformation and agricultural development; value addition, industrial and service sector development;
3. Health and welfare: public health systems, epidemic control, social security systems, and safety nets;
4. Politics and governance: Human rights; citizenship; social movements and evolving modes of civic engagement; peace, security and the rule of law;
5. Gender, youth, culture and transformative social policy: new frontiers of activism; self-actualization in changing global contexts; the construction of more inclusive political systems; changing modes of being; changing modes of re-presentation;
6. Regional and continental integration, mobility and the African Diaspora: evolving modes of engagement; the Diaspora and fashioning of the Africa to come; movement in the era of border fences; reconciling upward integration and grassroots empowerment;
7. Knowing and engaging the rest of the world: African encounters with globalization; the study of other regions of the world; South-South relations; the emerging powers; and the comparative study of historical experiences of development and governance;
8. Thinking about the future: prospective studies; planning; and ways of dealing with uncertainty in Africa.

Call for Applications: Laureates

The Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) invites proposals from researchers based in African universities and research centers for the constitution of Comparative Research Networks (CRNs) to undertake studies on the themes listed above. Applicants are advised to clearly highlight the comparative character of their work in all sections of their proposals with particular emphasis on how their study designs, research methods and research activities enable them address the comparative questions posed. The independent selection committee will eliminate proposals that do not do so sufficiently.
CRNs should have between three and five members. It is advantageous to ensure that proposed networks are multidisciplinary in composition, sensitive to gender issues, and accommodative of younger scholars.

Interested researchers should submit application packages containing the following required materials. Please note that applications that lack any of these elements will be discarded.

  • A proposal with the following sections: an introduction; statement and contextualization of question; brief review of literature and/or competing hypotheses; study design and research methodology; theoretical and practical significance of the study; any progress made so far on the subject of the proposal; and a brief summary of budget and research plan. Proposals must be submitted as Word documents and should be 10 pages long (font type: Times New Roman; font size: 12; line spacing: double). Brief budgets, which should be incorporated into proposals, should take into consideration the fact that CRNs have a strict 15-month lifespan. This means that the demonstration of significant prior research in the chosen area of work that will facilitate the fast completion of the project will be an added advantage. Although grants awarded for CRNs vary from group to group, applicants should note for indicative purposes that recent grants ranged between USD 15,000 and USD 35,000. No specific format is required for the presentation of budgets but the Council covers the following costs:
    • Field work undertaken by the members of the network
    • Books purchased for the work of the CRN
    • Honorariums paid to members of the CRN for work undertaken
    • A review workshop to evaluate progress made by members
    • Final workshop

- A cover letter listing network members and coordinator(s) and their email addresses and phone numbers
- CVs of all network members that contain full contact details including email and phone numbers
- A completed version of the identification sheet attached to this call

The deadline for submission of applications for the 2015 CRN Competition is February 28, 2015. Notification of the result of the selection process will be done by March 31, 2015. CODESRIA will organize a methodology workshop for selected CRNs members in the final week of April 2015.
When sending your email kindly use the subject line ‘CRN 2015r’ to ensure your application does not get lost. All applications should be sent by email to Comparative Research Networks, CODESRIA at crn@codesria.sn.

Call for Applications: Evaluators

CODESRIA invites highly qualified African and Diaspora researchers with significant experience in the conduct of comparative research and/or teaching of comparative research methodology to apply for the position of evaluator for the 2015 CRN grant competition. Evaluators perform the primary function of reading, commenting on and ranking CRN proposals.

CODESRIA offers a modest honorarium for the work of evaluators and often invites some evaluators, under separate contracts, to also serve as resource persons during workshops for CRN members.
Applicants should send the following documents to CODESRIA

  • A one-page cover letter
  • A CV with full contact details including email and phone numbers that highlights the applicant’s experience in the area of comparative research and comparative research methodology
  • A completed version of the identification sheet attached to this call

The deadline for submission of applications is January 31, 2015. Notification of the result of the selection process will be done by February 28, 2015. When sending your email kindly use the subject line ‘CRN 2015 evaluator’ to ensure your application does not get lost. All applications should be sent by email to Comparative Research Networks, CODESRIA at crn@codesria.sn.

Call for Application 2015

Appel à candidature RRC 2015

CRN Identification Form

RRC fiche d’identification