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Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa



Comparative Research Networks: Call for proposals for 2013

Deadline: 31 May, 2013

Within the framework of its strategy for building comparative knowledge on Africa produced from within the African continent, the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) invites proposals from researchers based in African universities and centres of research for the constitution of Comparative Research Networks (CRNs) to undertake studies on or around any of the themes identified as priority research themes within the framework of the Council’s strategic plan for the period 2012 – 2016. The primary purpose of CRNs is to encourage the development and consolidation of a comparative analytic perspective in the work of African social researchers. In so doing, it is hoped to establish a strong corpus of comparative studies produced by African scholars that could help to advance theoretical knowledge and discussion. Priority research themes for the constitution of CRNs for 2013 include the following:

1. Higher Education, the ICTS and Internationalization: the changing landscape of higher education and research; neo-liberalism, its evolution and African responses to it;

2. Climate Change, Resources and Development: the new scramble; agrarian transformation and agricultural development; value addition and industrial development

3. Politics and Governance : Human Rights; Citizenship; Social movements and New Forms of Civic Engagement; Peace, Security and Rule of Law

4. Gender, Youth, Culture and Transformative Social Policy

5. Regional and Continental Integration, Mobility and the African Diaspora

6. Knowing and Engaging the Rest of the World : African encounters with globalization; the study of other regions of the world; South-south Relations; the emerging powers; and the comparative study of historical experiences of development and governance;

7. Thinking About the Future: prospective studies; planning, and ways of dealing with uncertainty in Africa

Interested researchers are requested to highlight clearly the comparative question which they wish to address. Each proposal should include: an introduction – problem statement – review of related literature – objectives of the study – research methodology – expected results and outcomes. The proposed budget and time frame should be outlined keeping in mind an eighteen-months duration effective from the launch date of the network. Furthermore the proposal should indicate the list and composition of network members, including the name(s) of the coordinator(s) of the group; the bio-data and institutional affiliation of the network members; copies of the curriculum vitaes (CVs) of the coordinator(s) and members of the network; and the budget breakdown for the proposed activities.

The identification sheet attached to this call should be filled in and sent along with the proposal and other required elements. An application that does not contain the required elements will not be considered. The proposal submitted in Word version should not exceed 12 pages (font: Times New Roman, size of fonts: 12, line spacing: single) and should be separated from the CVs.

Authors of proposals are advised to pay close attention to comparative aspects while designing methodology and framing research questions. The independent Selection Committee that will review the CRN proposals will be mandated to eliminate all proposals that are either silent on the comparative question that will be researched and the corresponding comparative methodology that will be employed or which show an inadequate understanding of the challenges of comparative research.

Each CRN will be entitled to organise three meetings during its lifespan: one methodological; the second one to evaluate the progress of the work of the members of the group and the third and final one to wrap up the work. Although the budget that will be approved for CRNs varies from group to group, we would like to inform prospective applicants, for indicative purposes, that the grants that were awarded by CODESRIA in the recent past ranged from USD 10,000 to USD 35,000. Similarly, although no specific format is required for the presentation of the budget of the work proposed, authors may wish to note that resources will be allocated by the Council to cover the following costs:

i) A methodological workshop for the members of the CRN;
ii) A review workshop at which the progress of the work of the CRN members will be assessed;
iii) The field work to be undertaken by the members of the network;
iv) Books to be purchased for the work of the CRN;
v) Honorariums to be paid to the members of the CRN for the work undertaken.
vi) Final workshop

The size of a CRN varies from proposal to proposal but, on the average it numbers between four to six members. It is advantageous to ensure that a proposed CRN is multidisciplinary in composition, sensitive to gender issues, and accommodative of younger scholars.

For the 2013 CRN competition, the deadline for application is 31 May, 2013. Notification of the result of the selection process will be made by 31 July, 2013. The methodology workshop for the selected CRNs will be held in September 2013. Proposals, CVs of the network members including the coordinator, and proposed budget and time-plan (in Word format) should be sent to:

Comparative Research Networks
Avenue Cheikh Anta Diop X Canal IV
B.P. 3304, CP 18524, Dakar, Senegal
Tel. (221) 33 825 98 21/22/23
Fax : (221) 33 824 12 89
E-mail : crn@codesria.sn
Site web: https://codesria.org/
Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/pages/CODESRIA/181817969495