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Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa



Democractic Renewal Versus Neoliberalism : Towards Empowerment and Inclusion



_ SEPTEMBER 26 – OCTOBER 03, 2013


JAYATI GHOSH Professor at the Centre for Economic Studies and Planning, School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, and the executive secretary of International Development Economics Associates (Ideas). Her research areas include globalization, international finance, employment patterns in developing countries, macroeconomic policy, and issues related to gender and development. She received her PhD at Cambridge University in England. Her books include The Market that Failed: A Decade of Neoliberal Economic Reforms in India (with C. P. Chandrasekhar) (2002); Work and Well-being in the Age of Finance (with C. P. Chandrasekhar) (2003); Never Done and Poorly Paid: The Changing Nature of Women’s Work in Globalising India, Women Unlimited (2008); A Decade After: Crisis, Recovery and Adjustment in East Asia (with C. P. Chandrasekhar) (2009). She writes regular columns on economics and current affairs for the Guardian, Frontline magazine, Businessline, the Bengali newspaper Ganashakti, Deccan Chronicle, and Asian Age. She is co-recipient of the International Labour Organisation’s 2010 Decent Work Research prize. She was also the principal author of the West Bengal Human Development Report 2004 which received the 2005 UNDP Award for excellence
in analysis. She has also received the NordSud Prize for Social Sciences 2010 of the Fondazione Pescarabruzzo, Italy.

BOAVENTURA DE SOUSA SANTOS Professor of Sociology, University of Coimbra (Portugal), and Distinguished Legal Scholar at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He earned an LL.M and J.S.D. from Yale University and holds the Degree of Doctor of Laws, Honoris Causa, by McGill University. He is director of the Center for Social Studies at the University of Coimbra and has written and published widely on the issues of globalization, sociology of law and the state, epistemology, social movements and the World Social Forum. He has been awarded several prizes, most recently the Science and Technology Prize of Mexico, 2010, and the Kalven Jr. Prize of the Law and Society Association, 2011. His most recent project – ALICE: Leading Europe to a New Way of Sharing the World Experiences – is funded by an Advanced Grant of the European Research Council. The project was initiated in July 2011 and will continue for the next five years.


JOSE MAURICIO DOMINGUES Brazilian sociologist, he has got a PhD from the London School of Economics and Political Science, in 1993, was Executive Director of IUPERJ and teaches now at the Institute for Social and Political Studies of Rio de Janeiro State University, coordinating also CLACSO’s South-South program. His lines of research stem from sociological and critical social theory, initially with a thesis on collective subjectivity and then developing into an inquiry about global modernity, in which Latin America and other peripheral and semiperipheral areas stand out. Among his books are Sociological Theory and Collective Subjectivity (1995), Social Creativity, Collective Subjectivity and Contemporary Modernity (2000), Modernity Reconstructed (2006), Latin America and Contemporary Modernity (2008), Global Modernity, Development, and Contemporary Modernity (2012), Desarrollo, periferia y semiperiferia en la tercera fase de la modernidad global (2012) and O Brasil entre o passado e o futuro (forthcoming 2013).

JOHN J WILLIAMS Professor Williams has a PhD and MUP [Master of Urban Planning] from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA, and an MA, HED (Cum Laude), BAHONS and BA from the University of the Western Cape (UWC), South Africa. He is amongst the top 8% of all South African scientists (National Research Foundation-rated) His articles have appeared in Australian, US and UK scholarly journals such as Cities, Public Policy, IDS Bulletin and Visual Anthropology and South African journals such as Development Southern Africa, Critical Arts, South African Labour Bulletin, Ecquid Novi. Some of his articles also appeared in peer-reviewed Zed Books series on Citizenship and Rights, and they have been translated into Spanish and Portuguese. His peer-reviewed publications can be downloaded free of charge at: University of Sussex, UK, http:// www.drc-citizenship.org/pages/john-williams; Ruhr University, Bochum, Germany (http://www.drd-sa.org/staff/staff-of-the-drd.html); the University of the Western Cape, South Africa (http://www.uwc.ac.za) and open internet port http://www.academia/edu

C.P. CHANDRASEKHAR Professor at the Centre for Economic Studies and Planning, Jawaharlal Nehru University. He also has taught at the Centre for Development Studies, Trivandrum and the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. His areas of interest include the role of finance and industry in development and the experience with fiscal, financial and industrial policy reform in developing countries. Besides publishing in journal and books in India and abroad, he has co-authored (with Jayati Ghosh) Crisis as Conquest: Learning from East Asia, The Market that Failed: Neo-Liberal Economic Reforms in India and (with Simran Kumar and Kiran Karnik) Promoting ICT for Human Development: India. He is a regular columnist for Frontline, Business Line, The Hindu (web edition) and Triple Crisis (blog). He is also a member of the Executive Committee of the International Development Economics Associates (IDEAs), an international network of economists engaged in the promotion of teaching and research using heterodox approaches to economic issues.


CARMEN SEPÚLVEDA PARRA Ph.D. in Psychology and Education at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and BSc Econ in Sociology and Social Anthropology at University of Swansea, Wales; currently works as Lecturer in Chile for the School of Sociology at Universidad Católica Cardenal Silva Henríquez, and in the Nursing School of the Faculty of Medicine at Universidad Diego Portales. Ms. Sepulveda who was also former Research Officer at Universidad Católica Cardenal Silva Henríquez; has developed many researches in the following areas: Social representation and the Meaning of Education; Education for School Justice; School Improvement Efficiency; School Culture and Social Action Research on Health Promotion.

CLAUDIO LARA CORTES Economist, Postgraduate Diploma in Development Policy and Social Planning, University College of Swansea, UK; Magister in Economics Science, University of Wales, UK; Magister in Political Economy, University of Middlesex, UK. Director of the Magister in Economics at the ARCIS University. Member of World Economic Studies Network (REDEM). Member both of the Working Group “Global Economy” and “Integration and Latin American Union” of CLACSO. Member of the executive committee of SEPLA (Latin American Society of Political Economy). Recent publications (articles): The Development of Global Crisis: Contradictions and limits of deleveraging; The Development of Global Crisis and the Future of Global Currency; Seeking the causes of the collapse of global trade: global imbalances? Recent books published as editor: “The explosion of the global crisis. Latin America and Chile at the crossroads” (2010); “The crisis of neoliberalism: causes, scenarios and possible developments” (2012) and “The fictitious capital and the global crisis” (2013).

CONSTANZA TABBUSH Argentine feminist scholar and social science researcher working at the Interdisciplinary Institute of Gender Studies, University of Buenos Aires. Originally trained as a psychologist, she received her PhD in Sociology from the University of London in 2011. Her lines of research focus on gender, poverty and public policy, social movements and post-neoliberalism, and prisons in Argentina. She collaborated in Women in Prison (2011), The Gendered Impacts of Liberalization (2008); and co-edited Feminisms, Democratization and Radical Democracy (2011,UNSAMEdita). Her research has been published in peer-reviewed journal such as Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, Oxford Development Studies, Journal of International Development and Global Social Policy.

CONSUELO SILVA FLORES Economist, Master of Sciences in Economics with mention on Economics of Public Policies, Escuela Latinoamericana de Postgrados (ELAP) – Universidad de Artes y Ciencias Sociales (Arcis). At the present she works as a researcher in this university and is a member both of the Red de Estudios de Economía Mundial (REDEM) and of the Working Group of CLACSO “Integration and Latin American Union”. Among her recent publications (articles) are: Crisis of European Integration and the ‘Global Europe’. Implications for Latin America; Crisis, collapse of trade and protectionism and The WTO: between irrelevance and failure of the Doha Round. She has edited The crisis of neoliberalism: causes, scenarios and possible developments, The fictitious capital and the global crisis and New scenarios for integration in Latin America.

JULIO C. POSTIGO Postdoctoral Fellow at the National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC) and a Research Associate of the Peruvian Center for Social Studies (CEPES). His research focuses on pastoral social-ecological systems, especially how these systems interact with globalization and global environmental change in the Global South. He also investigates the effects of climate change on food systems and poverty in Andean countries, and water governance regimes. More recently, he is the lead author on the contribution of social science to understanding global environmental change in Latin America and the Caribbean for the World Social Science Report 2013. Additionally, he is the editor of books on adaptation and vulnerability to climate change in the Andean countries; climate change, social movements and public policy in Latin America. He is editing a book on social-ecological perspectives on global change in Latin America.

LAURA TAVARES RIBEIRO SOARES She is a researcher at FLACSO (Social Sciences Latin American Faculty) – Brazil, professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFJR) since 1979 and vice-chancellor of UFRJ from 2005 to 2011. Graduated in public health at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro – UERJ), holding a doctorate in Economics and specialized in Social Policies at the State University of Campinas/São Paulo (UNICAMP). Her major fields of work include: social inequalities, social security, social policies, public politics and comparative studies of Latin America. Practical experience on state and national levels in public healthcare and social policies. She has many publications on Comparative Studies in Latin America; Neoliberal Adjustments; Social Policy; Public Policy; Public Health Policies and Programs in Latin America; Social Security comparative studies in Latin America. She has published in Brazil, Cuba, Mexico, Argentina, Uruguay, Norway, Austria, Germany and Québec-Canada.