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Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa



Development Research Conference: Call for abstracts

Deadline March 21

Number of visits: 4603

Theme: Global Visions and Local Practices
Development Research in a Post-2015 World
Stockholm, August 22-24, 2016

Call for abstracts – deadline March 21


The aim with this conference is to provide a multi-disciplinary forum for networking and intellectual exchange among scholars who conduct research in and of relevance to low-income countries and/or engage in capacity-building collaborations. Researchers and research students will present ongoing and completed research, including projects funded by Sida and the Swedish Research Council. The conference also intends to offer a platform for dialogue and strengthen the relation between development research and policy makers.


Development visions have gained momentum with the setting up of a new global agenda. While significant international consensus was attained around a set of normative goals (the SDG’s), their materialization calls for serious reflection. One critical set of challenges relates to bridging global goals and visions, on the one hand, and local practices, realities and conditions, on the other. Ultimately, the outcomes of this global agenda depend upon the processes through which it is implemented and embedded in concrete settings. Global visions are modified by local contexts, producing a range of unintended and diverse outcomes. Local settings are characterized by an immense diversity in modes of life, physical environments and technical systems, which invites a consideration of a diversity of paths towards improved futures. Actors at the local level may embrace, appropriate or resist global agendas. Opportunities and risks for marginalized and vulnerable groups – the key targets of the new global agenda – are of particular concern. Also important is how their own innovations and everyday practices in a wide range of spheres (environmental, health, social and other practices) can be harnessed, their capacities and knowledges mobilized and how they can influence strategies and interventions seeking to materialize global development goals.

An emphasis on the encounter between current global visions and local contexts does not, however, entail that the great global-local challenges of our time can be solved at one specific scale. It rather actualizes long-standing questions about processes, structures and relations at multiple scales that work against, or alternatively open new avenues towards more just and sustainable futures.

There is an acute need for reflection concerning the role of knowledge production in the new policy context. How can the competences of a broad and diverse Swedish academic community be mobilized and shape Swedish global policies and interventions? Can opportunities for critical independent research be secured? Researchers may contribute to the development of indicators, to the assessment of opportunities, risks and impacts relating to the new global agenda, but they may also reflect upon the assumptions and notions of progress underlying their own work and the new agenda and its implementation.

Prominent keynote speakers will be invited to address this thematic area.

CALL FOR ABSTRACTS – deadline 21 March 2016

Abstracts are invited from all disciplinary backgrounds to the panels listed at the end of this call and at www.su.se/devres2016. Please submit only one abstract to the conference Abstracts should be submitted by e-mail both to the panel convener/s and to devres2016@humangeo.su.se. Abstracts should have a maximum length of 250 words, in plain text, and be saved in Word format. Name the file by stating the number of the panel you are submitting to, followed by your surname, ex 12_Surname.docx. Please adhere to the following format:

  • Name of the panel
  • Title of the abstract (lowercase letters)
  • Author’s name and e-mail
  • Author’s institutional affiliation
  • Body of the abstract

The selection of abstracts will be made by the panel convener/s and the organizing committee. Abstract authors will be notified during the second half of April and accepted abstracts will be published on the conference webpage. Panel Conveners will organize their sessions and coordinate the submission of full papers.

Some limited travel funding will be available for researchers from a selection of countries – list available at www.su.se/devres2016. It can be applied for in connection with the abstract submission, by stating this in the abstract and by enclosing your CV and a letter of motivation (including whether the applicant has other funding available). Successful applicants will be notified during the second half of April.

REGISTRATION – deadline 15 June 2016

Registration is to be done through the conference web page. Registration will open in mid-April. There will be no registration fee, but the participants have to cover their own costs of travel and lodging. The conference starts on the 22nd August at 13.00 (please note that registration is to be done before that) and ends on the 24th August at 16.00.

For more information, please see the pdf file

Development Research Conference: Call for abstracts