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Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa



Institute for Women’s and Gender Studies: Call for Expressions of Interest/ or Proposals

Deadline: 12 pm 31 May 2013

1. Overview

There is growing awareness on the African continent of the importance of gender equity in water resource management and the need for individual countries to ensure access to safe water sources in order to improve women’s lives and realise the gender Millennium Development Goals. The African Ministers Committee on Water (AMCOW) launched its Policy and Strategy for Gender Mainstreaming in the water sector on the continent in 2011 as a means to improve the development outcomes for Africa’s men, women and children. To date no sustained careful review of African countries’ water policies has been conducted, to assess whether and to what extent gender has been mainstreamed; how women’s participation in water management is ensured in state legislation, policies, or practices; what monitoring and evaluation processes are in place and how gender mainstreaming has made a difference in ensuring gender equitable access to safe sustainable water sources. The Institute for Women’s and Gender Studies at the University of Pretoria has been tasked by the Water Research Commission (WRC) in partnership with the Global Water Partnership (GWP) to co-ordinate an Africa-wide study to review the extent of gender mainstreaming in the water policies and practices across the continent to influence key decision makers in this sector. This project aims to examine the extent of gender mainstreaming to realise gender equity in water policies and in practice at regional and national level in the five regions of Africa namely Eastern, Western, Northern, Central and Southern Africa.

2. The Gender review studies and TORs

The proposed review will assess the extent to which national policies in each of the five regions are gender sensitive and incorporate gender in the formulation and implementation of water management policies. The review will assess the degree of commitment of resources in ensuring the initiation and sustainability of gender mainstreaming in policy and practice in each country. Specific objectives are:

- • To assess whether and how gender has been mainstreamed into national water policies with regards to governance, management, use and access to water;
- • To assess the influence of the AMCOW Gender Strategy on addressing gender in water policies through current regional structures such as Southern African Development Community, the Economic Community Of West African States; the Common Market for Eastern and South Africa; the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development, the Southern African Development Community, as well as national water management policies and practice in the study countries
- • To identify what monitoring and evaluation processes have been implemented to assess progress and measure impact of gender mainstreaming in regional and state water management systems, where regional economic communities have initiated gender policies and initiatives.

To this end the IWGS seeks to appoint one researcher located in each of the five regions to conduct the proposed review of national water policies. Appointed researchers would provide the following written deliverables:

1. A database of regional and national water policies for all the countries in the specified region through desktop review;

2. Policy review that assesses: the extent of gender mainstreaming in their formulation; and allocation of resources to sustain gender mainstreaming in implementation;

3. Identification of the benchmarking processes and gender based performance indicators if any, to evaluate progress with regards to gender mainstreaming in policy implementation and evaluation;

4. Identification of gaps in gender mainstreaming in the formulation and implementation of regional and national water policies;

5. Key stakeholder interviews to assess awareness of the AMCOW gender and water strategy at regional and national levels, national commitment, and extent of implementation of gender mainstreaming in water governance.

Each consultant will:

Submit a report on the findings, to be presented at a Pan-African workshop to be held at the University of Pretoria, to prepare reports for the November 2013 water summit; Contribute to a publication based upon the findings of the reviews conducted in all five regions. The research is expected to be conducted over two months between 1 June and 31 July 2013.
Applicants must be based in Africa and have at least five years’ experience working in gender and water governance or gender and policy analysis and implementation and have access to established networks in their respective regions. Qualified applicants are invited to submit proposals
Total budget per regional researcher to complete deliverables is US$10 000 at exchange rate of ZAR8.97 to US $ 1.00.

3. Application /submission process

Application packages should include the following:
- • A brief (max 5 pages) proposal which includes an interpretation of the Terms of Reference bulleted above. The proposal must address the approach to be used in the study.
- • Each application must be accompanied by the researcher’s current Curriculum Vitae as well as demonstrate experience, knowledge and collaboration with relevant regional networks in the respective region/S (e.g. Central Africa, Eastern Africa, North Africa, southern and West Africa
- • the names and contact details of at least two referees should also be provided.
Applications must be submitted electronically as well as in hard copy.
Electronic copies to be sent to
Ms Stella Mpisi stella.mpisi@up.ac.za with a copy to Prof Elaine Salo elaine.salo@up.ac.za
Hard copies to be sent to:
The Africa Water Study Institute for Women’s and Gender Studies
Rm 20-18 Humanities Building
University of Pretoria Hatfield Campus
Pretoria 0002

Closing Date: Closing date for all electronic submissions is 12 pm 31 May 2013.
Hardcopies must be couriered to arrive Friday 31 May 2013 by 4 pm.