Weiss Architecture Studio

Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae lorem.

Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa



News & Announcements

Dr. Samuel Fongwa is a Program Officer within the Training, Grants and Fellowships programme. Prior to joining the Council, he had spent about seven years at the Human Sciences Research Council where he joined as a Post doctoral Fellow and exited as Senior Research Specialist. Dr Fongwa is a category

Bertha is a Programme Manager for Training, Grants and Fellowship Programme at CODESRIA. She holds a PhD in Development Studies, specifically in Higher Education studies and Human Development from the University of the Free State, South Africa. She also has a Bachelor’s degree in Banking and Finance and a Master’s

زميلاتنا و زملاءنا الأفاضل، تحية كريمة، تلقى المجلس  ببالغ الحزن والاسى نبأ وفاة أحد أعلام كوديرسيا (CODERSIA) الاستاذ حلمي شعراوي أستاذ في مركز البحوث  العربية والإفريقية(AARC) في القاهرة بمصر. توفي حلمي، كما كانت شهرته في مجالس كوديرسيا، حوالي 10:30 صباح يوم الإثنين 20 مارس 2023 و دفن في وقت لاحق من نفس

DEADLINE FOR SUBMITTING PROPOSALS OF PAPERS: 30 April 2023 TO BE SENT TO: cheikh@endatiersmonde.org, c.gueye9@gmail.com, abdendiaye@gmail.com FOR MORE INFORMATION: The AROA is launching a +221 78 639 17 80 The Alternative Report on Africa (AROA) is an essential initiative of prominent African and international institutions (Enda Tiers Monde, Third World Forum, TRUSTAFRICA, Rosa Luxembourg Foundation, the African Futures