Dr. Samuel Fongwa
Dr. Samuel Fongwa is a Program Officer within the Training, Grants and Fellowships programme. Prior to joining the Council, he had spent about seven years at the Human Sciences Research Council where he joined as a Post doctoral Fellow and exited as Senior Research Specialist. Dr Fongwa is a category
Reflections Meeting: 2023 CODESRIA Gender Institute
CODESRIA's Gender Institute has been at the forefront of the Council’s work on gender for 28 years. We are delighted to host a 3-day meeting in Kampala, Uganda from 7-9 June to reflect on the contributions of the institute to gender research, envision an epistemic breakthrough, and shape the future
Prof. Kofi Anyidoho, Distinguished Scholarship Honoree, University of Ghana-Legon
CODESRIA extends its congratulations to Prof. Kofi Anyidoho, former member of the Executive Committee (2008-2011) and long time director of the CODESRIA African Humanities Institute on his nomination to receive an honorary degree from the University of Ghana-Legon. The degree will be conferred at a Special Congregation to be held
Prof. Tade Akin Aina, Honoree, University of Ghana-Legon
CODESRIA is pleased to note that Prof. Tade Akin Aina, former Deputy Executive Secretary in charge of Publications at the Council (1993-1998), has been nominated to receive an honorary doctorate degree to be awarded by the University of Ghana-Legon. The degree will be conferred at a Special Congregation to be
Bertha Kibona
Bertha is a Programme Manager for Training, Grants and Fellowship Programme at CODESRIA. She holds a PhD in Development Studies, specifically in Higher Education studies and Human Development from the University of the Free State, South Africa. She also has a Bachelor’s degree in Banking and Finance and a Master’s
Policy Convening Session of the 2021 Gender and Democratic Governance Institutes
Starting tomorrow 5th April 2023, CODESRIA will host a policy convening session, the last in its 2021 Gender and Democratic Governance Institutes under the theme "Violence against Women and Girls in Africa's Shrinking Civic Spaces: Nature, Magnitude, and Remedies." The goal of the forum will be to contribute to practices aimed
حلمي شعراوي 1935-2023
زميلاتنا و زملاءنا الأفاضل، تحية كريمة، تلقى المجلس ببالغ الحزن والاسى نبأ وفاة أحد أعلام كوديرسيا (CODERSIA) الاستاذ حلمي شعراوي أستاذ في مركز البحوث العربية والإفريقية(AARC) في القاهرة بمصر. توفي حلمي، كما كانت شهرته في مجالس كوديرسيا، حوالي 10:30 صباح يوم الإثنين 20 مارس 2023 و دفن في وقت لاحق من نفس
Helmi Sharawy, 1935-2023
Greetings colleagues, The Council has received the sad news of the passing on of one of CODESRIA’s luminaries, Prof. Helmi Sharawy of the Arab and African Research Center (AARC) in Cairo, Egypt. Helmi, as he was popularly known in CODESRIA circles, passed around 10.30am this Monday morning 20th March 2023. He
The Alternative Report on Africa (AROA): Call for Application
DEADLINE FOR SUBMITTING PROPOSALS OF PAPERS: 30 April 2023 TO BE SENT TO: cheikh@endatiersmonde.org, c.gueye9@gmail.com, abdendiaye@gmail.com FOR MORE INFORMATION: The AROA is launching a +221 78 639 17 80 The Alternative Report on Africa (AROA) is an essential initiative of prominent African and international institutions (Enda Tiers Monde, Third World Forum, TRUSTAFRICA, Rosa Luxembourg Foundation, the African Futures
16 ͣ Assembleia Geral do CODESRIA Chamada para resumos e comunicações
4 a 8 de Dezembro de 2023Dacar, Senegal Tema: As Ciências Sociais e a “Pandemia” em África O Conselho para o Desenvolvimento da Pesquisa em Ciências Sociais em África (CODESRIA) realizará a 16 ͣ Assembleia Geral em Dacar, Senegal, de 4 a 8 de Dezembro de 2023. O Conselho escolheu o tema “As Ciências