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Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae lorem.

Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa



News & Announcements

AFRICAN ASSOCIATION FOR JAPANESE STUDIES (AAJS):3RD ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL (ONLINE) CONFERENCE ON JAPANESE STUDIES IN AFRICATheme: Environment, Technology and COVID-19Date: October 6th & 7th, 2020Submission deadline: August 28, 2020 The African Association for Japanese Studies (AAJS) is an international organization dedicated to promoting scholarship in the comparative fields of African-Japanese interests. The

SPEAKER:Souleymane Bachir Diagne is a philosopher based at Columbia University. His talk will refect on a new co-authored dialogue between himself and the Africanist anthropologist Jean-Loup Amselle, In Search of Africa(s): Universalism and Decolonial Thought (2020). Number of visits: 609 The Other Universals consortium will be hosting a series of online seminars

This handbook presents a selection of qualitative, quantitative, emergent and comparative research methods, many of which are African-centered. Furthermore; it discusses epistemological paradigms in the social research, mentoring techniques, publishing strategies, Internet research techniques, and research integrity and ethics. The book is designed primarily to provide researchers with an understanding

African Academics in Germany: Revitalising African Universities is a thought-provoking work. It challenges African scholars to re-examine their contribution to their motherland. It invites German universities and scholarship providers to assess the relevance of the education offered towards the transformation of African higher learning institutions. The book provides a method

L’Université africaine est historiquement le produit d’une relation de dépendance vis-à-vis de l’Occident. Secret de polichinelle ! Dans sa sphère francophone comme dans sa zone anglophone, les traces d’une telle relation restent encore visibles à travers le contenu des enseignements et les lieux de publication des savoirs produits sur l’Afrique.

This study underscores the importance of including women in leadership positions in academia. Research on leadership development and managerial success in universities has continuously pointed to the absence of support frameworks to encourage women’s development. Despite numerous interventions to address this challenge, diffculties continue to persist.

Higher Education Institutions in Tanzania are increasingly facing a decline in government subvention and reduced funding from other sources, including Faith-Based Organizations. This has led to a noticeable shift in emphasis within universities from academic excellence to income generation, with adverse effects on teaching, research and community outreach performance