Professor Ali Mazrui: A Legacy of Inspiration
A CODESRIA Seminar - Technical University of Mombasa, Kenya. 15th December, 2014 All through his life, Professor Ali Mazrui worked tirelessly towards the advancement of scholarship, but also of Africa. He taught, wrote, produced the famous TV documentary titled The Africans: A Triple Heritage, and fought for the defense of truth and
CODESRIA Bulletin, Nos 3 & 4, 2014
This issue of CODESRIA Bulletin has been released at a very critical moment for our continent and for the world. The outbreak of the Ebola Virus Disease in West Africa, which has claimed thousands of lives, is bringing to the fore old questions about global inequalities and unequal access to
CODESRIA Bulletin, Nos 1 & 2, 2014
The year 2014 is the year of CODESRIA’s 14th General Assembly. The General Assembly is the most important governing organ of CODESRIA. The scientific conference of the General Assembly
Avis de vacance du poste de Directeur de la Division de la gestion du siège de l’UNESCO. à Paris (France)
La Division de la gestion du Siège est chargée d ’assurer la gestion et la maintenance des locaux et installations de l’Organisation, en consultation directe avec les autorités du pays h ôte et conformément à raccord de siëge conclu avec le pays hôte, ainsi que la gestion de tous les
Avis de vacance du poste de Directeur de l’Institut International de l’UNESCO pour le Renforcement des Capacités en Afrique (IIRCA)
APERÇU DES FONCTIONS DU POSTE L’Institut international de l’UNESCO pour le renforcement des capacités en Afrique (IIRCA) fait partie intégrante du Secteur de l’éducation de [’Organisation et jouit. en vertu de ses statuts, de l’autonomie fonctionnelle, sous la supervision de son Conseil d’administration. L ’IIRCA s’attache à promouvoir une approche intégrée
Avis de vacance du poste de Directeur du Bureau régional de l’UNESCO pour la Science et la Culture en Europe
APERÇU DES FONCTIONS DU POSTE Sous l’autorité générale de la Directrice générale et la supervision directe du Sous-Directeur général du Bureau de la planification stratégique (ADG/BSP) pour ce qui est de la gestion, de l’administration et de l’établissement des rapports, et en étroite consultation avec les sous-directeurs généraux (AOG) des secteurs
Call for Proposals: 2015 APSA Africa Workshop
Workshop Leaders for the 2015 APSA Africa Workshop. Deadline: 5:00 PM ET, November 9, 2014 The American Political Science Association (APSA) is pleased to announce a call for proposals from political scientists interested in serving as co-leaders for the 8th annual APSA Africa Workshop. This two-week political science workshop will take place
Call for Abstracts: World Social Science Forum 2015
Sub-themes for abstract submissions: History, Trends and Patterns of Global Inequality Policies, Experiences and Experiments in Combating Inequality Challenges and Opportunities for Overcoming Global Inequality Drivers, Catalysts and Determinants of Inequality in the Global System Nature, Dimensions, Types and Sites of Inequality Theorising and Measuring Inequality Ethics, Social Policy and Inequality Inequality, Poverty and Citizenship Register and submit abstracts
Scholarship Opportunity: Graduate Programme in African Studies with Emphasis on African Thought.
[*COLLEGE OF HUMANITIES*] UNIVERSITY OF GHANA, LEGON The Institute of African Studies of the University of Ghana hereby invites applications from qualified applicants for scholarship awards in support of studies leading to the MPhil (Master of Philosophy) or PhD degrees in African Studies with a concentration on African Thought. Some of the
Palgrave Studies in African Leadership Series
Series Editors: Baba G. Jallow & Faith Wambura Ngunjiri Number of visits: 1537 About the series: A groundbreaking series, Palgrave Studies in African Leadership fills a gap in the production of knowledge and scholarly publishing on Africa and provides a much needed outlet for the works of scholars interested in African leadership studies