The Monograph Series is published to stimulate debate, comments and further research on the subjects covered. The series serves as a forum for works based on original research that are too long for academic journals but not long enough to be published as books, and which deserve to be accessible to the research community in Africa and elsewhere. Such works may be case studies, theoretical debates or both, but they incorporate significant findings, analyses and critical evaluations of the current literature on the subjects in question.

The Policy Briefs seek to excavate specific issues of concern as highlighted by our continental and global community of scholars. With the express aim of delving into the policy options available to tackle some of the most immediate challenges to impact our collective world, these briefs serve as a resource for government officials, donors and the developmental community at large.

The CODESRIA Working Paper Series disseminates outputs from CODESRIA research activities. Working papers constitute work in progress. They provide insights into the breadth and depth of work undertaken by the Council’s various programmes and research networks. They are published to stimulate discussion and contribute to the advancement of knowledge.