Weiss Architecture Studio

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Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa



Quality Assurance in Ghanaian Higher Education Institutions: Opportunities and Constraints

  • Quality Assurance in Ghanaian Higher Education Institutions: Opportunities and Constraints

J. Alabi, G. Alabi, R. Adjei, P. Dzandu, G. Utuka, A. Munkaila. CODESRIA, Dakar, 2018, ISBN: 978-2-86978-788-9.

Quality assurance and relevance of higher education have become critical issues on the global higher education landscape especially in the wake of the need for relevance, accountability and value for money. The commoditisation, privatisation, masssification and new modes of higher education delivery (long distance and virtual modes) as well as trans-national education (TNE) are believed to have triggered concerns about the quality of higher education globally (Mohhamedhai 2008). The commoditisation of higher education by GATS-WTO (2005), require that certain minimum standards be set to facilitate the trading of higher education across countries, to allow for recognition and comparability, while maintaining relevance and functionality. In recent times, academic fraud in different forms, ranging from cheating, to falsification of certificates, to plagiarism and other forms of research and publication misconducts have become major concerns in higher education.

However, it is not clear how leadership, management and governance structures are affecting the quality of higher education particularly in Africa. Alabi and Mba (2012) noted that the key issues necessitating quality assurance interventions include massification, recognition of qualifications across borders, establishing equivalences and other international dimensions of higher education which have made it imperative for some form of standards and quality practices to be deployed at the regional, sub-regional, national and institutional levels.