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Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa



RAS TAFARI: The Majesty & The Movement

Deadline: March 31, 2014

May 24-25, 2014
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Call for Papers

Ethiopia has always been important to the imagination of those familiar with this civilization and its status as the cradle of humanity. This no doubt is connected to the dynamism of Ethiopia’s leadership over the centuries, with mythical lore surrounding that land from even before the time of Sheba’s union with Solomon and the dynasty’s enduring presence three millennia later through Ras Tafari, crowned His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie I. This Emperor undoubtedly has captured a preeminent place in modern history through His character and works and like none other before the admiration and celebrations emerging around HIM’s reign, with his popularity peaking among dispersed Africans in the West, resulting today in a new faith – Rastafari – a global spiritual Movement and worldview bearing his name. The honoring and celebration of Ras Tafari, revisited, places him as a father of the unity of Africans at home and abroad, at the centre of the decolonization process, and the renaissance of Pan Africanisms.

This call for papers seeks submissions that add to extant representations of HIM Emperor Haile Selassie I by focusing on His movements within and outside of Ethiopia; as well as the Rastafari Movement, congregations of His faithfuls that help to shape, interpret and apply His understanding of the challenges faced by humanity today particularly for people of African descent and the strategies needed for repair and advancement.

The following themes are of particular interest:
1. HIM Emperor Haile Selassie’s visits to the West;
2. The Emperor’s Words
3. The Majesty’s Works;
4. The Emperor at home and the Ethiopian people
5. The Rastafari Movement and the legacy of the Emperor.
6. The Impact of the Rastafari Movement Globally
7. The Impact of the Rastafari Movement on Africa
8. The Standard and the Standard bearer: Emperor Haile Selassie I and the Rastafari
9. HIM and the United Nations, Human Rights and Dignity

Persons interested in contributing papers on these and other related themes should submit Abstracts of 150-200 by March 31, 2014 to rastafaristudiesconference@gmail.com. Notification of the acceptance of abstracts will be provided by April 5, 2014.