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Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa



Round Table: Social Protection and the Citizenship Rights of Vulnerable Children in Africa

Date: Thursday 15h -18h, October 3rd 2013 – Venue: CODESRIA

The Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) is highly delighted to invite you to a round table which will take place on Thursday, 3rd October 2013 from 3.00 to 6.00 pm at its headquarters in Dakar, on the topic “Social Protection and the Citizenship Rights of Vulnerable Children in Africa”.

The devastating effects of poverty, ill health, under nutrition and poor education affect the physical, emotional and cognitive development of millions of children in Africa who are overrepresented among the poor. Indeed while poverty denies opportunities to people of all ages, there are several key reasons for a child-focused approach in social protection. Firstly, children have a right to social protection and to have their interests pronounced in policy. Secondly, children are at a higher risk of poverty because they are not independent economic actors and rely on the distribution of resources within their households or communities. Child-focused poverty measures and studies are crucial to providing information about this distribution and its implications for responsive social protection. In fact, there is still far too little understanding of how children experience poverty and vulnerability and what impoverishment means to them, or how their perceptions and priorities interact with those of local communities and the agendas of local, national and international agencies.

This roundtable is organized in the framework of the CODESRIA Child and Youth Institute held from 16th September to 4th October 2013 at its headquarters in Dakar and is led by
Prof. Auma Okwany of Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

Speakers at the round table will include:

• Sophie Turpin Bassama

Sophie Bassama Turpin holds a PhD in science education from the University of Montreal, Canada. From 1980 to 1987, Sophie Bassama Turpin was an inspector of education in charge of preschools, responsible for the supervision of kindergartens in Dakar (Dakar Inspection Academy). In 1988, she was appointed lecturer/researcher at the Faculty of Science and Technology Education (FASTEF) at Cheikh Anta Diop University. She served in this capacity up to the year 2000, when she was appointed the Inspector General of Education (IGEN) in charge of elementary and early childhood education. Dr Sophie Bassama Turpin is the author of numerous scientific publications including “La case des tout-petits au Sénégal” in Revue internationale d’éducation de Sèvres (2010), L’enfant de la Médina et son éducation : les représentations des parents et des enseignants, ed. University of Montreal, 494 p. (1996). She has, also edited a book entitled L’éducation préscolaire au Sénégal, Editions universitaires européennes (2012). Sophie Bassama Turpin is the editor of the African Journal of Early Childhood Education of FASTEF, the first issue of which was released in April 2013.

• Ramatoulaye Ndao Diouf

Ramatoulaye Ndao Diouf is a graduate of the Institute of Communication and Media at Stendhal University, (Grenoble, France). After obtaining a master’s degree in communication and multimedia engineering, she joined the Office of the President, Republic of Senegal, as a communications officer. In 2004, she received a master’s degree in communication for development from UQAM, the University of Quebec, Montreal. She continued to work for the Presidency on issues relating to the care of vulnerable children. In 2007, she was appointed Special Advisor to the President on children affairs. Currently, she is the coordinator of the unit in charge of the protection of children (CAPE), established in March 2008, under the Office of the President. In addition to these responsibilities, Ramatoulaye Ndao Diouf, has worked extensively with UNICEF and the World Bank on the situation of vulnerable children, especially those popularly known as “street children”.

• Lamine Daffé

Lamine Daffé is a graduate of the International School of International Relations (ILERI), Lamine DAFFE has solid experience in fighting human trafficking acquired over many years working with specialized agencies such as the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and United Nations Office against Drugs and Crime (UNODC). Between 2009 and 2013, he worked as IOM project manager in charge of assistance to victims of human trafficking in West and Central Africa, in collaboration with governments and regional NGOs. Previously, he worked with the Movement against small arms in West Africa (MALAO). Currently, Lamine Daffé works as project coordinator at the United Nations Office against Drugs and Crime. He serves in the fields of institutional capacity building, the development of the legal framework for the fight against human trafficking, sensitization and assistance to victims of trafficking, in particular children. He aims to mainstream issues of human trafficking in state planning documents.

• Ian Wopwood

Ian Hopwood has degrees from the universities of Aberystwyth (UK) and Cornell (US), He has extensive experience in programme planning, evaluation, policy analysis and advocacy, especially in the areas of health, education, social policy and child protection. He has worked in the development field for 40 years, mainly at country level in UNICEF assignments in Africa, Asia, and the Arab Gulf States. As UNICEF representative three times, in Guinea, Zambia and Senegal, he has been actively involved in aid effectiveness and UN reform
processes, including implementation of the Paris Declaration, poverty reduction strategies, MDG related plans of action, and results based programming. As Chief of Evaluation at UNICEF HQ (1996-2000) he was centrally involved in the development of UNICEF’s evaluation policies and procedures, and commissioned major evaluations. He has long been committed to improving evaluation practice and organizational learning, and strengthening of links between research, policy and practice. Since retiring from UNICEF, he has been active in the areas of policy, planning and evaluation, including supporting the Senegal Evaluation Association, teaching M&E at Cheikh Anta Diop University (Dakar), serving as occasional resource person for UNIDEP and the African Governance Institute, and undertaking consultancies with Save the Children and the UN system. He is a member of AFREA, and participates regularly and presents at the conferences of the American Evaluation Association, and the US African Studies Association.

During the round table, these panelists will share their experiences with a score of institute participants from different countries on the continent and the Diaspora.

Simultaneous translation in English/French and a live broadcast on the CODESRIA website, facebook, twitter and youtube will be provided.

A sales exhibition of CODESRIA books and publication will be held with a 30 per cent discount on all prices.