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Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae lorem.

Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa




Thandika Mkandawire Memorial Lecture 2024

The Concept of Human Rights in Africa: 35 Years On

CODESRIA 16th General Assembly / 16eme assemblée générale du CODESRIA

Opening Ceremony

Plenary Session 1

Plenary Session 2

Planery Session 3

Planery Session 4

Planery Session 5

Planery Session 6

Planery Session 7

Planery Session 8

Planery Session 9

Planery Session 10

Planery Session 11

Planery Session 12

Planery Session 13

CODESRIA 16th General Assembly: Interviews 

Godwin Murunga

Godwin Murunga

Amy Niang

Gladys Nkengne

Bassirou Wagne

Prof. Abdoulaye Bathily

Dominique Sambou

Nouria Benghabrit Remaoun

Prof Olusola Bandele Oyewole

Reflections Meeting 2023 CODESRIA Gender Institute

Opening Ceremony

Day 2

Public Lecture

Closing Ceremony

Prof Fatou Sow

Reflections Convening of the 30th Anniversary of the CODESRIA Democratic Governance Institute

Bonolo Ramadi Dinokopila shares snippets of what to expect from the forthcoming book

Papa Sow, Senior Researcher at the Nordic Africa Institute

Barrack O. Muluka snippets of what to expect from the forthcoming book.

Eka Ikpe shares snippets of what to expect from the forthcoming book 

CODESRIA is excited to showcase a collection of our forthcoming books.

London School of Economics: Thandika Mkandawire Memorial

Thandika’s Institution – Building Legacies by Dr. Godwin Murunga                                        .

Mkandawire and the Imperative of the Re-thinking the State in Africa by Prof. Adebayo Olukoshi

Rethinking Social Policy with Thandika Mkandawire : The Development Nexus by Prof Jimi Adesina

2022 Thandika Mkandawire Memorial Lecture & Roundtable Panel Discussion 

Memorial Lecture: “Can Africa run? Industrialisation and development in Africa” Prof Fiona Tregenna

“The ‘Impossibility Argument’ and the Developmental State in 21st Century Africa.” Dr Grieve Chelwa

“Agriculture in Africa’s Development Planning” by Akua Opokua Britwum                                 .

Dreams of Green Hydrogen by Prof Daniela Gabor & Dr Ndongo Samba Sylla

Lessons & critical reflections.” by Dr. Eyob Balcha Gebremariam“                                              .

Professor Isabel Casimiro’s Intervention                                                                                        .

Professor Meyiwa’s Intervention

Professor Paul Ladd’s Intervention

Full Session

Lionel N. Njeukam, shares snippets of what to expect from the forthcoming book.

English Version

French Version

Shadrack Wanjala Nasong’o, shares snippets of what to expect from the forthcoming book

Explore a collection of CODESRIA’s recent publications

Sylvain Landry B. Faye, shares snippets of what to expect from the forthcoming book.

English Version

French Version

Issaka Souaré, author of the book La diplomatie de la République de Guinée: Passé, présent et avenir.

English Version

French Version

5th CODESRIA – CASB Summer School

Welcome remarks by Godwin Murunga                                         .

Thematic Introduction: “How Political is Knowledge?” – By Elísio Macamo

Input I: Objectivity: The Politics of Methods? by Elísio Macamo

Input II: The Concept of the Political by Ndeye Astou Ndiaye                                               .

Input III: Concept and Object: The Politics of Knowledge about Africa by Elísio Macamo

Input IV: Normativity: The Politics of Values? by Ralph Weber                                            .

Conclusion, Outlook and Closing Ceremony

Prof Godwin Murunga attended the virtual Arab Regional Forum 07/04/2021.

CODESRIA 15th General Assembly / 15eme assemblée générale du CODESRIA

Official Opening Ceremony                             .

Cheikh Anta Diop Lecture by H.E Thabo Mbeki

Miriam Makeba Lecture by Ousmane Kane

Claude Ake Presidential Lecture by Dzodzi Tsikata

Leopold Sedar Senghor Lecture by Wole Soyinka

Plenary Session 2 – Conceptualising Globalisation in Africa

Plenary Session 3 – UNESCO                                           .

Plenary Session 5 – Celebration of Professor Aminata Diaw

Plenary Session 6 – Globalisation and Neoliberalism in Africa

Plenary Session 9 – Celebration of Professor Abdul Raufu Mustapha

Plenary Session 10 – Programme in Memory of Professor Samir Amin 1

Plenary Session 10 – Programme in Memory of Professor Samir Amin 2

Plenary Session 11 – End Note Lecture                                     .

Plenary Session 12 – Professor Mahmood Mamdani Celebration

Plenary Session 13 & 14 – Elections & Closing Session