The aim of the CODESRIA Bulletin (ISSN 0850-0712) is to stimulate discussion, exchange information and encourage research cooperation among African researchers. Contributions on theoretical matters, reports on conferences and seminars are welcome. It is distributed free of charge to all social science research institutes and faculties in Africa. Interested individuals and institutions can also subscribe.
With a print run of over 5000 in circulation in Arabic, English and French, the CODESRIA quarterly Bulletin is the most widely read publication in the Council’s titles. It contains articles and debates that have grown in popularity and relevance over the years and which have been widely reproduced in numerous other publications in Africa and elsewhere.
Why France Can’t Be Nigeria’s Strategic Partner
By Yusuf Bangura Nyon, Switzerland CODESRIA Bulletin Online, No. 1, February 2025: Why France Can’t Be Nigeria’s Strategic Partner Link:
CODESRIA Bulletin Online, No. 15, December 2024
Rethinking Academic Freedom in Africa by Paul Tiyambe Zeleza Presentation and Intervention at the Academic Freedom in Africa Brainstorming Meeting, Dakar, Senegal, 28–29 November 2024 Introduction Since independence, African universities have undergone profound transformations, evolving through three distinct regimes: the nationalist university, the
CODESRIA Bulletin, Numbers 3 and 4, 2024
Special Issue in honour of MOMAR-COUMBA DIOP (1951–2024) Greetings from the Council, We are delighted to share the latest issue of the CODESRIA Bulletin (Numbers 3&4, 2024), which is a special edition dedicated to the memory of Prof. Momar-Coumba Diop (1951–2024). Prof. Diop
CODESRIA Bulletin Online, No. 14, December 2024
Thandika Mkandawire and the African Intellectual Decolonisation Movement Paul Tiyambe Zeleza Senior Adviser for Strategic Initiatives, Office of the President Professor of African Studies, Department of African Studies, Howard University Keynote Address, New Directions in African Political Economy, Scholarly Conference, The Africa Institute,
CODESRIA Bulletin Online, No. 13, September 2024
The Petty Bourgeoisie in the Thought of Amilcar Cabral and Walter Rodney Paper presented to the International Symposium entitled ‘Amilcar Cabral: A national and universal heritage’, in commemoration of the centenary of Cabral’s birth held at Cabo Verde and Guinea-Bissau from
CODESRIA Bulletin Online, No. 12, September 2024
Revisiting the Struggles for Academic/Intellectual Freedom and the Social Responsibility of Intellectuals in Africa: The Case of the Dar es Salaam and Kampala Declarations by J. Oloka-Onyango, Professor of Law School of Law, Makerere University, Uganda Revised text of Keynote Reflections at the Colloquia
CODESRIA Bulletin Online, Nos. 10 and 11, September 2024
Compiled by Research Programme, CODESRIA Secretariat Following the resumption of programme activities at the Council in the latter half of 2023, the Research Programme successfully launched the third edition of the Meaning-making Research Initiative (MRI) grants. The first edition was held
CODESRIA Bulletin Online, No. 9, September 2024
Ujamaa, Ubuntu and Reimagining Pan-Africanism Keynote Address at the Interna/onal Conference on Ujamaa, Ubuntu and New Pan Africanisms, Arusha, 23-25 May 2024 by Issa G. Shivji, Professor Emeritus, University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania This keynote address at the International Conference on Ujamaa,
CODESRIA Bulletin Online, No. 8, August 2024
SYNTHESIS REPORT : Academic Freedom, Democracy and Sustainable Development in Africa: Re-envisioning the Role of the University Dar es Salaam (7th–9th November 2023) and Maputo (15th–17th April 2024) by Muhidin Shangwe Department of Political Science and Public Administration University of Dar es Salaam,
CODESRIA Bulletin Online, No. 2, February 2024 – Paulin Hountondji on African Philosophy
By Souleymane Bachir Diagne Columbia University, New York, USA In 1977, a book entitled Sur la “philosophie africaine”: Critique de l’ethnophilosophie was published by Maspero, in its ‘Textes à l’appui’ collection. The book immediately became a resounding success and has been declared
CODESRIA Bulletin Online, No. 9, October 2023 – Development, Development Cooperation and Africa in the Twenty-First Century
This Note, prepared as a knowledge product for the forthcoming Development Leaders Conference in Oslo, Prof. Grieve Chelwa of the Africa Institute in Sharjah explores the prospects for Africa’s development in the 21st Century by assessing several factors that he
CODESRIA Bulletin Special 50th Anniversary Issues
Greetings from the Council, We trust you have been keeping well. On behalf of the Council, I am writing to request you to consider submitting an article for a special issue of CODESRIA Bulletin we are preparing. As you are already aware,
Africa Development, Volume 49, Number 3, 2024
Special Focus on Lusophone Africa We are delighted to announce the release of a special issue of Africa Development | Afrique et Développement, dedicated to new approaches to social movements and human rights in Lusophone Africa. This issue brings together cutting-edge research and critical discussions
Africa Development, Volume 49, Number 1, 2024
AFRICA DEVELOPMENT, Vol. XLIX, No. 1, 2024 Contents Soft Power Diplomacy: Analytical and Conceptual Contextualisation of Cuba’s Peregrination in Africa Kekgaoditse Suping & Korwa Gombe Adar
Available Now – Africa Development, Volume 49, Number 2, 2024
AFRICA DEVELOPMENT, Vol. XLIX, No. 2, 2024 Contents Leçons de la pandémie : science, religion et citoyenneté mondiale, Souleymane Bachir Diagne *Revised Text of the Endnote Lecture delievered at the 16th CODESRIA General Assembly held from 4th to 8th December 2023. Thandika
Africa Development, Volume 48, Number 4, 2023
Contents Guerre et formation de l’État au Sahel Abdoul Karim Saidou
Africa Development, Volume 48, Number 3, 2024
Contents Towards Unpacking the Origin and Development of Eswatini (Swazi) Irredentism Hlengiwe Portia Dlamini, Manka’ah Mafor Awasom-Fru, Lenhle Precious Dlamini & Sirri Awasom-Fru
Africa Development Vol. 47 No. 3 (2022) Forthcoming Issue
Special Issue on Agrarian Change, Food Security, Migration and Sustainable Development in Senegal and Zimbabwe Guest Editors: Rama Salla Dieng, Geoffrey Banda & Walter Chambati Contents Introduction: Agrarian Change, Food Security, Migration and Sustainable Development in Senegal and Zimbabwe Rama Salla Dieng, Geoffrey
Africa Development, Volume 32, No 3, 2007
Protecting intellectual property rights has become essential in encouraging cutting- edge scholarship that advances the frontiers of knowledge. For a long time, the majority of Africa’s intelligentsia has worked in local and international environments that have exploited the continent’s intellectual
Africa Development, Volume 32, No 2, 2007
Land is a very important asset and a means to sustain livelihood. In the face of a rapidly growing global population, increase in technological capacity, and affluence, the earth’s land cover has been transformed, especially in developing countries. At the
Africa Development, Volume 31, No 4, 2006
In this book, Messay Kebede attempts to unravel the fundamental problems of African philosophy by examining different trends in contemporary African philosophy. Walking us through the terrain of a rapidly growing field of study, Kebede’s book uncovers, widens and enriches
Africa Development, Volume 31, No 3, 2006
As the blurb on its back cover indicates, Globalization and Social Policy in Africa ‘examines the different areas of significant contact between globalization and the lives of ordinary people in Africa’ through the use of ‘empirical and historical studies.’ The
Africa Development, Volume 31, No 2, 2006
Kane’s seminal work, Muslim Modernity in Postcolonial Nigeria: A Study of the Society for the Removal of Innovation and Reinstatement of Tradition, is a study of the Yan Izala or the Society for the Removal of Innovation and the Reinstatement
Africa Development, Volume 31, No 1, 2006
Indirect rule and association were the first colonial-period decentralisations. Colonial powers across Africa decentralised further after the Second World War. At independence most African nations consolidated their rule through re-centralisation, but later began to decentralise again within the first two
The Book Series is the oldest and most robust series in the Council’s staple of publications, geared primarily at publishing the results of the CODESRIA Research Programme (MWG, NWG, CRN, Conferences and collaborative initiatives) and Training, Grants and Fellowships Programme (Institutes, Advanced Research Fellowships, etc.). The series also accepts unsolicited individual manuscripts deemed to be outstanding contributions to African social research.
Book Launch: Re-Envisioning the African and American Academies
Author: Paul Tiyambe Zeleza Date: 29th November 2024 Venue: Dakar, Senegal
Re-envisioning the African and American Academies by Paul T. Zeleza
This is an exceptionally comprehensive, rich and highly textured study of higher education in two regions that are rarely compared to each other, Africa and the United States written by a scholar with an unusually extensive experience with both systems.
Forthcoming – Global Pandemics in the Media: An African Perspective
In Global Pandemics in the Media: An African Perspective, Nkosinothando Mpofu, Phillip Santos, Admire Mare and Hugh Ellis have expertly put together a tour de force collection of African perspectives on the varied ways in which journalists, communicators, citizens, government
Forthcoming – Beyond the Coloniality of Internationalism: Reworlding the World from the Global South
“That the post-1945 global multilateral system is in crisis is no longer in dispute. What is at issue is the question of how best to transcend its many discontents and build a qualitatively new order. Sabelo J. Ndlovu-Gatsheni argues vigorously,
Forthcoming – Re-envisioning the African and American Academies by Paul T. Zeleza
This is an exceptionally comprehensive, rich and highly textured study of higher education in two regions that are rarely compared to each other, Africa and the United States written by a scholar with an unusually extensive experience with both systems.
Get ready for the book launch “UNIVERSIDADES PÙBLICAS EM ANGOLA, MOÇAMBIQUE E CABO VERDE: EXPERIÊNCIAS DE MUDANÇA E DESAFIOS DE LIDERANÇA (1975 – 2009) by Teresa Cruz e Silva Monday, April 15th, 2024, at Eduardo Mondlane University in Maputo, Mozambique!
Forthcoming – The Concept of Human Right in Africa (Second Edition)
The Concept of Human Rights in Africa attempts to reconceptualise human rights ideology from the standpoint of the working people of the continent. lt argues that the dominant human rights discourse in/and on Africa, however well-intentioned, is objectively part of
Forthcoming Book: Justice during Transitions: Policies that reflect African Realities
Edited by Cori Wielenga & Christopher C. Nshimbi. Transitional justice interventions, particularly in Africa, have largely failed. In this context, there is a growing interest in tradition-based community led practices for resolving justice. Yet little is known or understood about these
Forthcoming Book: Diversity and the essence of Pan-African Arts
The Arts, artistic, and literary production in Africa are echoes of Africa’s cultural heritage in its diversities, its essence, its values, its realities and its contradictions, being transmitted across generations. These resonances are translated in different ways from one period
Forthcoming Book: Economies de la prison en Afrique du Sud, au Nigeria et au Sénégal
This book offers an ethnography of the prison institution in three African countries and reports on its evolution/appropriation over time. By describing the actors and their interactions/transactions, the production of legitimacies and identity constructions, and the permeability of the boundaries
Forthcoming Book: Home and Exile: Forced Migrations and South Sudanese Refugees in Kenya’s Kakuma Refugee Camp
The story of humankind is about the search for hospitable places to call home.Migration is historically a part of this story. People have left one place for the other, based on challenges in the place of origin, and perceived attractions
CODESRIA Monographs
The Monograph Series is published to stimulate debate, comments, and further research on the subjects covered. The Series serves as a forum for works based on the findings of original research, which however are too long for academic journals but not long enough to be published as books, and which deserve to be accessible to the research community in Africa and elsewhere. Such works may be case studies, theoretical debates or both, but they incorporate significant findings, analyses, and critical evaluations of the current literature on the subjects in question.
Quality Assurance in Ghanaian Higher Education Institutions: Opportunities and Constraints
Quality assurance and relevance of higher education have become critical issues on the global higher education landscape especially in the wake of the need for relevance, accountability and value for money. The commoditisation, privatisation, masssification and new modes of higher
CODESRIA Policy Briefs
International Justice, Reconciliation and Peace in Africa by Charles Chernor Jalloh
IN the context of continuing gross human rights abuses and challenges to peace and security in Africa, international criminal justice has become a subject of much debate in terms of its contributions to ending impunity and contributing to more secure
CODESRIA Working Paper Series
The CODESRIA Working Paper Series disseminates outputs from CODESRIA’s research activities. Working papers constitute work in progress. They provide insights into the breadth and depth of work undertaken by the Council’s various programmes and research networks. These are published to stimulate discussion and contribute to the advancement of knowledge.
Conducting Research and Mentoring Students in Africa: CODESRIA College of Mentors Handbook
This handbook presents a selection of qualitative, quantitative, emergent and comparative research methods, many of which are African-centered. Furthermore; it discusses epistemological paradigms in the social research, mentoring techniques, publishing strategies, Internet research techniques, and research integrity and ethics. The
African Academics in Germany Revitalising African Universities
African Academics in Germany: Revitalising African Universities is a thought-provoking work. It challenges African scholars to re-examine their contribution to their motherland. It invites German universities and scholarship providers to assess the relevance of the education offered towards the transformation
De la dépendance vis-à-vis de l’Occident à l’expression du besoin de diaspora intellectuelle africaine: L’Université africaine et les défis de son développement
L’Université africaine est historiquement le produit d’une relation de dépendance vis-à-vis de l’Occident. Secret de polichinelle ! Dans sa sphère francophone comme dans sa zone anglophone, les traces d’une telle relation restent encore visibles à travers le contenu des enseignements
It is a Long Way to the Top: Increasing Women’s Leadership in Ugandan Public Universities
This study underscores the importance of including women in leadership positions in academia. Research on leadership development and managerial success in universities has continuously pointed to the absence of support frameworks to encourage women’s development. Despite numerous interventions to address
Steering Epistemic Access in Higher Education in South Africa: Institutional Dilemmas
This book utilises a broadly critical cultural approach to explain access and retention. In recent years, the use of cultural approaches has made a significant contribution to how we understand societies and particularly social institutions undergoing transition. The impact of
Developing Sustainable Higher Education Leadership Models in Tanzania
Higher Education Institutions in Tanzania are increasingly facing a decline in government subvention and reduced funding from other sources, including Faith-Based Organizations. This has led to a noticeable shift in emphasis within universities from academic excellence to income generation, with
Strengthening Higher Education Leadership in Africa: A Study of Ghana’s Situation
The liberal higher education landscape that has emerged in Africa is a product of a confuence of factors that defne the neoliberal agenda in the continent. The prior notions of state responsibility for funding higher education have largely disappeared. The
Rethinking Higher Education Governance in Ghana: Reflections of a Professional Administrator
This book is an institutional history of leadership in higher education institutions in Ghana, recounted through a rich narrative of the life and career trajectory of one of Ghana’s pioneering university administrators.
Leadership and Crises in Nigerian Universities. Can Women Make a Difference?
Currently, globalization has made it necessary that universities operate optimally in order to compete effectively globally. In this regard, crises in Nigerian universities constitute a barrier to this goal and to sustainable development. The book-leadership and crises in Nigerian universities
Quality Assurance in Ghanaian Higher Education Institutions: Opportunities and Constraints
This work examines quality assurance processes and practices in Higher Education Institutions in Ghana, using a mixed method approach, which combined surveys, reviews and expert interviews of past and present quality assurance directors. Ten universities were studied. The results demonstrate