Codesria 2014 Gender Institute: Gender and Land Tenure
Deadline: 5th April, 2014 Date: 16th -27th June 2014Venue: Dakar, Senegal Call for Applications Every year since 1994, the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) has organized a Gender Institute which brings together between 12 and 15 researchers for 3 weeks of concentrated debate, experience-sharing and knowledge-building. The
Call for Papers: AFRICANUS Journal of Development Studies
AFRICANUS Journal of Development Studies is a blind peer-reviewed research journal that is published by Unisa Press. It publishes original and high-quality articles covering a wide range of topics in the field of Development Studies. The journal provides a platform for the researchers, academics, professionals, practitioners and students to impart
CODESRIA/Daraja Cabral Book Launch in Atlanta – Febuary 20, 2014
The Walter Rodney Foundation and others are organising a launch of Claim No Easy Victories: The Legacy of Amilcar Cabral in February. Several other North American Launches are planned including in Oakland, California, USA.
2014 Call for Proposal: Benin – Côte d’Ivoire – Ghana – Guinea – Liberia – Niger – Nigeria – Senegal – Sierra Leone
OSIWA seeks proposals aimed at achieving the following specific objectives in the priority countries listed beside each objective: Improve quality and conduct of elections (Benin, Cote d’Ivoire, Guinea, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal); Increase effectiveness of Parliaments (Benin, Ghana, Liberia, Niger, Senegal, Sierra Leone); Enhance Citizens’ participation in Local Governance and Decentralization (Liberia, Niger, Senegal,
World Social Science Fellows
28 July – 3 August 2014London, UK In collaboration with the UK Academy of Social Sciences and the London School of Economics In the context of the global economic crisis, climate change and population growth, considerable debate has been engendered at all levels of governance concerning the implications of economic, environmental and demographic policies for social development, particularly with reference to established and emerging social protection systems, education and training, poverty reduction, health, ageing and wellbeing, and migratory movements Since the 1990s, the term ‘global social governance’ has been most thoroughly explicated bysocial policy specialists in an intellectual and research agenda designed to inform the political development of an international programme concerned with the social policy dimensions of regional governance. Key issues, debates and priorities for action have emerged in global social policy as a field of academic study and research, and of political practice. Global social policy istoday recognized as a dynamic and expanding field, with the transformation of welfare from apredominantly national to a global field of action, and the impact of globalization on key welfarediscourses and governance mechanisms. This topical agenda, with the added dimension of theimpact of the global economic crisis, provides examples of case studies that could be critiquedand emulated by Fellows and indicates the range of approaches and themes from which Fellowscould select to develop projects during the course of the Seminar We are looking for 20 World Social Science Fellows – talented, early career social scientists –to start developing interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary perspectives at a seminar in London,and to take them forward in their research and teaching activities after the seminar. We are offering the opportunity to interact with some of the leading thinkers in the area of globalsocial governance, other talented early career social scientists from across the globe, as well aspolicy makers/practitioners, activists, and other stakeholders. We will cover travel costs for your journey to London as well as local travel and subsistencecosts A particular feature of the seminar is a capacity building component designed to fosterinternational and interdisciplinary social research and agendasetting initiatives. The seminarsets the stage for new international research collaborations to emerge on themes such as globalhealth policy, demography and social policy, welfare, and civil society. Fellows will have theopportunity to continue working together after the seminar to pursue joint research initiatives andcoauthored publications on topics developed during the seminar. Being a World Social Science Fellow will enable you to forge new and lasting networks that canstimulate and support transformative social science research, while the experience will provide abasis for advancing your own career as an active member – and future leader – of theinternational social science community. LOGISTICS Dates: 28 July to 3 August 2014 Place: London, UK Structure: The seminar combines an interactive workshop approach with the opportunity forround table, group and individual discussions on aspects of global social governance, as well asvisits and discussion with social science units in relevant government departments, universityand independent research centres, and think tanks. At the end of the five days, Fellows will havea good overview of the current stateoftheart of policy relevant research and a clear vision ofmajor research priorities for the coming 5 to 10 years. SELECTION PROCESS The ISSC will select a maximum of 20 early career social scientists to participate in the seminarand become World Social Science Fellows. We will seek to ensure representation from aroundthe world and from different social science disciplines, as well as an appropriate gender balance.To be eligible to apply, you must be: A postdoctoral researcher with a maximum of five years research experience following yourPhD (candidates with more research experience can also be considered, if they explain whythey should be eligible)? or An early career researcher without a PhD but with an equivalent level of research experienceand output? Under 40 years of age (candidates over the age of 40 can also be considered, if they explainwhy they should be eligible) To apply for selection as a World Social Science Fellow, please submit the following, in English: ? A Curriculum Vitae of no more than 2 pages, including information about education, researchprojects and networks, awards and prizes and other relevant experience. In addition to the 2page CV, add a list of your most important publications. ? An abstract (one page maximum) of a paper you would want to develop at the seminar ? A statement (one page maximum) outlining your perspective on the topic of global socialgovernance. Please highlight relevant experience you have in interdisciplinary research projects. ? An agreement from your home institution supporting your participation in the seminar, includinga short outline of how you will share knowledge you have gained at the seminar with yourcolleagues/students after you return. The seminar will be held in English. Please indicate if this is a problem for you Applications can be submitted electronically and in one single pdf file Deadline for submission of applications: Midnight GMT+1 (Paris Time) March 2nd 2014 The ISSC is an international organisation that aims to advance the practice and use of the social,behavioural and economic sciences in all parts of the world, and to ensure their globalrepresentation. The World Social Science Fellows Programme is sponsored by the SwedishInternational Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and the seminar is generously hosted bythe UK Academy of Social Sciences and the Centre for International Studies at the LondonSchool of Economics.
Call for nominations King Baudouin African Development Prize
The King Baudouin African Development Prize supports pioneering development work and promotes social progress on the African continent. Beyond its monetary value of 200.000 euros, the Prize offers its winners unique opportunities to increase their visibility and promote their cause to international audiences. Learn more about the Prize and its
Call for Applications: The Kwame Nkrumah Chair in African Studies
Closing date: March 31, 2014 The University of Ghana, Legon, is pleased to invite applications for the position of Kwame Nkrumah Chair in African Studies, to begin August 1, 2014. The KWAME NKRUMAH CHAIR IN AFRICAN STUDIES was established at the Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana in honour of Dr
Conference Announcement – Nordic Africa Days 2014
Deadline: 28 February 2014 Call for Panels The Nordic Africa Days (NAD) is the biannual conference of the Nordic Africa Institute organised for the past 15 years in the Nordic Countries, with participants representing the state of the art in African Studies and Africa related knowledge production. The Nordic Africa Days 2014 has
Vacancy Announcement: Deputy Executive Secretary (Extended Deadline)
Deadline: 31st March, 2014 The Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) invites applications from suitably qualified African scholars for the post of Deputy Executive Secretary in its pan-African Secretariat located in Dakar, Senegal. This position is categorised as one of the most senior management posts in
Vacancy Announcement: Editorial Assistant
Deadline: 31st January 2014 The Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) invites applications to fill in the position of Editorial Assistant under the Publications Programme In recent years, the CODESRIA Publications and Dissemination Programme has undergone considerable expansion that has translated into a significant increase in the