Call for applications “Adaptation and Creativity in Africa”
Conference in Sally (nr. Dakar), Senegal – 1-4 October 2014 The Research Priority Programme (SPP 1448) “Adaptation and Creativity in Africa: Technologies and Significations in the Production of Order and Disorder”, which is funded by the German Research Society (DFG), is organising its second biannual conference. After a first meeting in
Call for Applications: 2015 Masters and Doctoral Research Intake
The DST/NRF SARChI Chair in Social Policy invites applications into its 2015 Master’s and Doctoral Degrees Programme. Successful candidates will join an exciting research team working on the theme of “Rethinking Social Policy: in search of inclusive development”. The research sub-themes include: 1. Rethinking Poverty:2. Comparative Social Policy:3. ‘Non-Formal’ Social Policy: Candidates interested
Call for Applications: Post-doctoral Research Fellowship
Deadline: 30 November 2014 DST/NRF SARChI Chair in Social Policy University of South Africa The DST/NRF SARChI Chair in Social Policy invites applications into its Postdoctoral Research Fellowship programme. Successful candidates will join an exciting research team working on the theme of “Rethinking Social Policy: in search of inclusive development”. The research sub-themes
“The democratic developmental state –Southern African and Nordic experiences” – workshop
Organised by CROP, SANORD, UiB Global (UiB) and School of Government (UWC) Cape Town, February 9-11, 2015 Call for papers The ‘developmental state’ generally refers to the model many of the East Asian and Latin American nations pursued after the Second World War to rapidly modernise their economies, ensure economic growth and promote
CROP International Studies in Poverty Prize 2014
CLOSING DAY FOR SUBMISSION OF ENTRIES IS 31st of August 2014 The Comparative Research Programme on Poverty (CROP), in cooperation with Zed Books, requests entries for the CROP International Studies in Poverty Prize 2014. We seek original, high-quality, alternative and critical academic manuscripts. Works challenging the dominant thinking and knowledge about poverty
Mainstreaming Gender and Socio-cultural Inclusion in Global Change
Calling for experts based in South Africa in the fields of Gender and/or Socio-culturaland/or Global change With the aim of identifying innovative approaches to mainstreaming gender and socio-cultural inclusion within global change research, this project aims to bring together academics from different disciplines, primarily those who have expertise in gender theories
Highway Africa Conference 2014: Call for Papers
Theme: Social Media – from the margins to the mainstream Dates: 7-8 September 2014Venue: Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa Social Media – from the margins to the mainstream The birth of social media promised much in terms of a new dawn of democratisation of communication. There were expectations about the way social media
Call for applications: World Social Science Fellows
Deadline Extended: 30 June 2014, Midnight GMT+1 (Paris Time) 2014. The ISSC is proud to announce a call for applications for World Social Science Fellows. Talented early career social and other scientists are encouraged to apply to participate in a seminar in Taiwan from 2 to 8 November 2014, on “Sustainable Urbanization
2015 Africa Conference at The University of Texas at Austin: Development, Urban Space, and Human Rights in Africa
Deadline: November 30, 2014 April 3-5, 2015Austin, Texas Development, which has always been intertwined with human rights, is increasingly linked to the fate of urban spaces and urban livelihoods. Questions about poverty, economic growth, quality of life, social inequality, human rights and citizenship are framed through the lens of urban planning and
Call for Applications for the Third Global Economic Governance Capacity Building Workshop
Deadline: 13 June 2014 The Department of Political Sciences, Faculty of Humanities at the University of Pretoria, together with the South African Institute for International Affairs, leading foreign policy research institute on the African continent, invites government officials, academics, researchers and officials from relevant civil society organisations to apply for a