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Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa




Deadline: 1 April 2014 (iippe.org) The Crisis: Scholarship, Policies, Conflicts and Alternatives 16-18 September 2014 Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”, Naples, Italy The economic crisis that started in 2007 has become the deepest global contraction since the Great Depression, and the economic recovery has been the slowest and weakest on record. The costs of

Deadline: Friday, 18 October 2013 (28 – 30 January 2014, Nairobi, Kenya) INTERIGHTS aims to enforce human rights through law, providing protection and redress in particular regions and on issues of strategic focus. It has conducted extensive litigation before domestic, regional and international courts and tribunals including the African Commission on Human

One salient construct has received significant definition in most discourses on Africa: that of a continent perpetually in a state of transition. What, however, has received little attention is the supposed object of transition – that is, the transformation that transition promises. A cursory examination of rhetoric(s) of transformation on

Deadline: October 1, 2013 The Department of Anthropology at the University of California, Berkeley invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track position at the rank of assistant professor focusing on the anthropology of race and racialization—the processes, practices, and power relations that produce “race” as a social fact and a lived reality.

- Organisation : ICD AFRIQUE, (Autorisation N°12-02-2010*01283/MINT/DAGAT/DEL/AS)  Intitulé du poste : Chargé de mission Coopération et Tourisme Durable à Dakar  Secteur d’activité : Coopération Internationale, Tourisme Solidaire et Développement Local  Lieu de travail : Région de Dakar principalement et autres régions du Sénégal PRESENTATION D’ICD-AFRIQUE ICD-Afrique est une ONG créée par des scientifiques, des enseignants et

Deadline: July 20, 2013 September, 25 - October, 3 - 2013Santiago De Chile The Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO), the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) and the International Development Economic Associates (IDEAs), are pleased to call for applications for participation in the Sixth South-South Institute

Risk Interpretation and Action: Decision-making under conditions of uncertainty Deadline: 15 July 2013, 00.00hrs GMT The International Social Science Council (ISSC) calls for applications from outstanding early career social and other scientists around the world to become World Social Science Fellows [1] and to participate in an interdisciplinary World Social Science Seminar on Risk Interpretation and