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Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa



CODESRIA 2023 Democratic Governance Institute

The Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. Since its inception, CODESRIA has been committed to its mandate of helping African scholars produce knowledge and give an African voice to global debates on issues affecting Africa and Africans. Among its initiatives, the annual Thematic Institutes have been particularly important in building the capacity of African scholars in specific areas of research.

First convened in 1992, the Institute on Democratic Governance was CODESRIA’s inaugural institute. To this day, it remains a cornerstone of the Council’s programming in the African continent and continues to bridge the intellectual gaps on the study and understanding of democracy in Africa. Over the course of its history, the Institute has explored some 30 distinct themes, contributing to the production of knowledge on crucial topics such as the state in Africa, state-society relations, citizenship and identity.

In commemoration of the institute’s 30th anniversary, CODESRIA will host a 3-day reflection meeting in Lomé, Togo from 5-7, July 2023. The meeting aims to assess the cumulative impact of the Institute,  redefine the study of democratisation processes in Africa, and consider the Council’s future interventions in this thematic area. The discussions will also contribute to the implementation of CODESRIA’s new strategic plan, which focuses on the theme of “State and Democratisation in Africa: Trends and Prospects.”

At a time when democracy in Africa is being tested by political challenges, this reflections meeting offers an opportunity to explore new areas of research, deepen current work priorities and develop research programmes relevant to the African context.

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