Weiss Architecture Studio

Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae lorem.

Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa



Fatima Harrak (2011 – 2015)

Fatima Harrak is a Historian and political scientist, a graduate of the Institut d’Etudes Politiques in Paris and the University of London School of Oriental and African Studies. She is a research scholar at the University of Mohamed V Institute of African Studies and served as its Director from 2003 to 2008. She has been a visiting scholar at a number of African, European and U.S. universities. She was the coordinator of a research structure at IAS dealing with “Religious Dynamics in Africa”. And is the author of several books and numerous studies, articles and book reviews which have appeared in Moroccan and foreign scientific journals. Her research in progress covers the themes of “Slavery in Moroccan-African Relations », in collaboration with Northwestern University’s Institute for the Study of Islamic Thought in Africa (ISITA) and ? «Women and the Transmission of learning in the Islamic West from 16th to 19th centuries” within the framework of IAS research group “Religious Dynamics in Africa”.

Vice President of CODESRIA from 2008 to 2011, Fatima Harrak was the President of CODESRIA from December 2011 to June 2015.

  • Memory, Music and Religion: Morocco’s Mystical Chanters, Reviewed by Fatima Harrak Journal of the American Academy of Religion , 2008; doi: 10.1093/jaarel/lfn022
  • “Young Modernists versus Old Turbans – Reform and Resistance in Pre-colonial Morocco”, Travaux du Colloque de Tachkent (Sephis, 2007)
  • « Ahmad Baba al-Tinbucti and Salih al-Fullani – Linking the Moroccan and Indian Scholary Traditions », Majallat Afaq, Université Mohammed V-Souissi, Rabat, 2005
  • «Shari’a and Tariqa in Fayd al-Mannan – A Modern Formulation of an Old Debate», The Maghreb Review, , Vol. 29, Nos.1-4, 2004
  • « Tamaththul Maghrib al-qarn al-tasi’ ‘ashar ‘inda ba’di al-rahhala al-afariqa” (Representation of 19th century Morocco by African pilgrims ), al-Manahil Nos.71-72, 2004
  • « Hashiya ‘ala Kitab al-Zawiya al-Fasiyya li Noufissa Dahbi », Majallat Al Jam’iyya al Maghribiyya li al Bahth al-Tarikhi , No.1, 2003
  • « Le soufisme face a la mondialisation: cas des confréries d’origine africaine aux USA », in Confréries soufies d’Afrique : Nouveaux rôles, nouveaux enjeux, Edited by the Institute of African Studies, Rabat, 2004, pp.177-201.
  • «Esclavage dans les relations maroco-africaines », en collaboration.
  • «Femmes et transmission du savoir en Afrique et dans l’Occident Musulman entre le 16eme et 19ème siecles », project commencé avec Beverly Mack, de l’université du Kansas et poursuivi en collaboration avec des chercheurs marocains
  • Dynamique religieuse en Afrique