Séminaire international : La nouvelle vague de démocratisation en Afrique du nord Mauritanie, Maroc, Algérie, Tunisie, Lybie, Egypte
2-3 mai 2014, Tunis (Tunisie) Appel à contributions Peut-on parler de « nouvelle vague démocratique » en Afrique du Nord, si l’on en juge à partir des changements profonds survenus sur la scène politique tunisienne et égyptienne : destitution du sommet de la pyramide, promulgation d’une nouvelle Constitution, changement du personnel politique
CODESRIA Methodology Workshop Series: Training the Trainers
Theme: Quantitative and Qualitative Methods in Social Science Research Deadline: 30 May 2014 Venue: Dakar, Senegal - Date: 1st – 5th September, 2014 Are you a lecturer in an African university? Do you teach research methods? If so, this announcement is targeted at you. The Council for the Development of Social Science Research in
Call for Applications: The African Guest Researchers’ Scholarship Programme 2015
Deadline: Applications must be in by 1 April 2014 at the Nordic Africa Institute in Uppsala, Sweden For information, including directions for application and application form, please visit: www.nai.uu.se/scholarships/african/Inquiries: inga?britt.faris@nai.uu.se
RAS TAFARI: The Majesty & The Movement
Deadline: March 31, 2014 May 24-25, 2014Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Call for Papers Ethiopia has always been important to the imagination of those familiar with this civilization and its status as the cradle of humanity. This no doubt is connected to the dynamism of Ethiopia’s leadership over the centuries, with mythical lore surrounding that
‘’New Paradigms Factory’’ – Nationalism and Patriotism
Deadline Extension: 19 March 2014 Fellowship Opportunities from the Arab Council for the Social Sciences The Arab Council for the Social Sciences (ACSS) is pleased to announce the second round of its New Paradigms Factory (NPF) competition. The theme of this cycle is “Nationalism and Patriotism” in the Arab region. NPF aims to
Atelier d’écriture scientifique : Appel à candidatures
Deadline: 30 May, 2014 Date: 14 – 18 July, 2014 Venue: Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda. The Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) is pleased to announce the 2014 edition of its Annual Writing Workshop for Scholarly Publishing. Two sessions of the workshop have been scheduled, one to be
Comparative Research Workshop: Inequality and Climate Change: Perspectives from the South
Dakar, Senegal. 24th and 25th of July 2014 Call for papers Within the framework of the third phase of the Africa, Asia and Latin America Scholarly Collaborative Program, the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA), the International Development Economics Associates (IDEAs), and the Latin American Council of
CODESRIA National Working Groups: Call for 2014 Proposals
Deadline: 31 May, 2014 One of the most important vehicles that CODESRIA uses to mobilise national-level research capacities and channel them into organised reflections has been the National Working Groups (NWGs). Through this mechanism, it encourages African researchers to autonomously organise and pursue research on priority themes of their choice. NWGs
Comparative Research Networks: Call for proposals for 2014
Deadline: 31 May, 2014 Within the framework of its strategy for building comparative knowledge on Africa produced from within the African continent, the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) invites proposals from researchers based in African universities and centres of research for the constitution of Comparative
Governance Research Programme: Comparative Research Network: Africa’s changing security sector institutional landscape
Deadline: May 31, 2014 Within the framework of its strategy for building comparative knowledge on Africa produced from within the African continent, the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) invites proposals from researchers based in African universities and centres of research for the constitution of a