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Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae lorem.

Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa



News & Announcements

Program Activities and Institute Syllabus    Facilitators:  Prof. Abdul Karim Bangura (American University, USA) Coordinator  Prof. Josephine Ahikire (Makerere University, Uganda)  Prof Amy Niang (Research Program, CODESRIA)  Coordinated by CODESRIA Secretariat  Email: tgf@codesria.org  Seminar Description  This seminar is meant to augment other efforts by CODESRIA to support doctoral education in the Social Sciences and Humanities in African Universities. The

This Note, prepared as a knowledge product for the forthcoming Development Leaders Conference in Oslo, Prof. Grieve Chelwa of the Africa Institute in Sharjah explores the prospects for Africa’s development in the 21st Century by assessing several factors that he anticipates will impact the prospects. Prof. Chelwa concludes that “granting

Patrícia Alexandra Godinho Gomes is originay from Guinea-Bissau. Before joining CODESRIA, Patricia Alexandra Godinho Gomes acted as Associate Professor, level 4, according to Brazilian national academic system, at the Post-Graduate Program on Ethnic and African Studies, at the Federal University of Bahia, Brazil. She graduated in International Relations at the

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