Endnote Lecture
Day 5: Friday, 8th December 2023 - 9:00 am – 10:30 am Plenary Session 12: Endnote Lecture Speaker: Souleymane Bachir Diagne, Columbia University (USA) Title: Les leçons de la pandémie Chair: Kofi Anyidoho, University of Ghana-Legon (Ghana)
Panel : Nurturing the Next Generation
Day 4: Thursday, 7th December 2023 - 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm Plenary Session 11: Nurturing the Next Generation Chair: Mshai Mwangola, Uraia Trust (Kenya) | CODESRIA Executive Committee Speakers: Brahim El Morchid, Université Cadi Ayyad (Morocco) | CODESRIA Executive Committee Member Therese Felicitee Azeng, Université de Bertoua (Cameroun) Kudus Adebayo, University of Ibadan (Nigeria)
Panel : Implementing a Pan-African Scientific Agenda
Day 4: Thursday, 7th December 2023 - 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm Plenary Session 10 : Implementing a Pan-African Scientific Agenda Chair: Georges Kobou, Université de Yaoundé II (Cameroun) Speakers: Ebrima Sall, Trust Africa (Senegal) , 6th Executive Secretary of CODESRIA, 2009-2017 Adebayo Olukoshi, Wits School of Governance (South Africa), 5th Executive Secretary of CODESRIA,
Panel : Governing the Council: Reflections by Former Presidents of CODESRIA
Day 4: Thursday, 7th December 2023 - 11:30 am – 1:00 pm Plenary Session 9: Governing the Council: Reflections by Former Presidents of CODESRIA Chair: Marema Toure Thiam, CODESRIA Scientific Committee (Senegal) Speakers: Zenebeworke Tadesse, (Ethiopia) , President of CODESRIA, 2003-2005 Teresa Cruz de Silva, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (Mozambique) , President of CODESRIA, 2005-2008 Fatima Harrak,
Theresa MOYO
Member Theresa Moyo is a retired Professor. Her last employment was with the University of Limpopo (UL) where she served as a Full Professor in the Master of Development (MDEV) Programme at the Turfloop Graduate School of Leadership (TGSL) in Polokwane City, South Africa. She was with the institution from 2005
Isaac Olawale Albert
Member Isaac Olawale Albert is a Professor of African History, Peace and Conflict Studies at the Institute for Peace and Strategic Studies, University of Ibadan (Nigeria). He is a specialist in security analysis, early warning system, peace process planning, peace education, monitoring and evaluation. He won the CODESRIA’s thesis writing awards
Therese F. AZENG
Member Therese F. Azeng is native of Cameroon. She works as Head of the Research and Publications Division at the University of Bertoua (Cameroon). She also lectures in the Department of Economic Analysis and Policy of the University of Yaoundé 2 (Cameroon). She holds a PhD in Public Economics. Her research
Panel :CODESRIA: Origin and Agenda – Solidarity Speech from H. Thoko Didiza
Day 4: Thursday, 7th December 2023 - 9:00 am – 10:30 am Solidarity Speech Chief Guest: The Honourable Thoko Didiza, Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development, Republic of South Africa Plenary Session 8 : CODESRIA: Origin and Agenda Chair : Godwin Murunga, CODESRIA (Senegal) Speakers Peter Anyang Nyong’o, County Government of Kisumu (Kenya) Penda Mbow,
Panel: Militarisms in Contemporary Africa
Day 2: Tuesday, 5th December 2023 - 4:00 pm – 6:30 pm Plenary Session 7: Militarisms in Contemporary Africa Chair : Amy Niang , Senior Programme Officer, CODESRIA (Senegal) Discussant: Shadrack Nasong’o, Rhodes College (USA) Speakers: i) Moses Khisa, North Carolina State University (USA) ii) Hamidou Magassa, CERNES (Mali)
Panel: Gender and Pandemic Experiences
Day 2: Tuesday, 5th December 2023 - 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm Plenary Session 6: Panel - Gender and Pandemic Experiences Chair: Theresa Moyo, Researcher (South Africa) Discussant: Josephine Ahikire, Makerere University (Uganda) Presenters: i) Toyin Ajao, Imole of Afrika Centre (iAfrika) - Healing Justice SOULidarity: A Feminist Republik’s Collective Care Approach in a Pandemic ii)