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Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa



The upcoming CODESRIA MRI Methodology and Scholarly Writing Workshop in Abidjan

Date: April 1-5, 2019

CODESRIA in collaboration with Cellule d’Analyse des Politiques Economiques of Cires (CAPEC) will be organizing a Methodology and Scholarly Writing workshop for its 2018/2019 Meaning-making Research Initiatives (MRI) cohorts. The workshop will take place in Abidjan on April 1-5, 2019. The MRI was adopted in 2017 as CODESRIA’s main vehicle for mobilizing and promoting research. The Methodology and Scholarly Writing Workshop serves to sharpen the proposals of MRI winners and better prepare them for the research and writing ahead by exposing their projects to rigorous critique. It also allows them to solidify intra-group links and establish connections with researchers working on projects of relevance to their work. The meeting will bring together around 68 researchers involved in 27 research projects as well as resource persons that will accompany these researchers over the 16-month lifetime of their projects. The meeting will center on presentations of and engagement with MRI projects. There will also be talks by resource persons coming from a wide range of disciplinary backgrounds, ranging from History and Political Science, Performance Studies and Anthropology. Above all, specialists in the study of higher education have been invited to ground the experiences of the researchers in contemporary dynamics in universities.

The projects to be discussed at the workshop deal with a vast array of subjects ranging from gender and farm labor and women and mob violence to migration and urban inequality. The studies draw on cases from many African countries and beyond. The disciplines in which these projects are rooted also vary, with many that straddle disciplines in the Social Sciences and Humanities. We invite everyone to follow discussions at the workshop in the Council’s Twitter handle and on Facebook and subsequently through other forums that the Council will organize.

The workshop represents a good opportunity for CODESRIA to further engage the community of scholarship in Africa and to mobilize more to become members in good standing. This is particularly important for the reason that a good number of those present at the Abidjan meeting will participate in CODESRIA activities for the first time. The Council takes the opportunity to also encourage those not involved in the workshop to acquaint themselves with the work of the MRI groups being supported for the 2018-2019 cohort. We are open to facilitating networking beyond the confines of the Workshop. Further, we wish to reiterate our request to all members of the CODESRIA community to pay up their annual membership fees and be in good standing.

You can become a member of CODESRIA by visiting the CODESRIA website www.codesria.org or writing directly to:

The Office of the Executive Secretary CODESRIA
Avenue Cheikh Anta Diop X Canal IV
BP 3304, CP 18524, Dakar, Senegal
Email: membership@codesria.org

Phone: (221) 33 825 98 22 or (221) 33 825 98 23

Fax: (221) 33 824 12 89

Godwin Murunga
Executive Secretary

Workshop Programme MRI

Programme de l’atelier MRI