Forthcoming Book: Between Two Worlds: Mapping Immigrant Literacy Practices and Identity Construction in South Africa
Increasingly, education systems must serve not only its country’s citizens, but immigrants and refugees from the world over who are entering host countries for a variety of reasons: to escape war-torn countries, to provide a better life for their families, to access better education, for employment and health care opportunities,
Forthcoming Book: La diplomatie de la République de Guinée : Passé, présent et avenir
La République de Guinée est devenue indépendante le 2 octobre 1958. En matière de politique étrangère, l’on constate des continuités à travers tous les régimes en ce qui concerne certains fondements. Mais si la première République (1958-1984) a mis l’accent sur les considérations d’ordre idéologique, les régimes successifs depuis 1984
Forthcoming Book: Home and Exile: Forced Migrations and South Sudanese Refugees in Kenya’s Kakuma Refugee Camp
The story of humankind is about the search for hospitable places to call home.Migration is historically a part of this story. People have left one place for the other, based on challenges in the place of origin, and perceived attractions in the desired destinations. In emergency migrations, the character of
CIJKAD–NLAS* Press Release on the Occasion of the Birth Centenary of Joseph Ki-Zerbo
Joseph Ki-Zerbo would have been 100 years old this 21 June 2022. We thank the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and the University of Abomey Calavi for having dedicated a colloquium to him. On the occasion of Joseph Ki-Zerbo's centenary, we would like to pay tribute to the figures and
Call for ABSTRACTS for 2023 AGENDA Journal
TRANSNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES ON FOOD, ECOLOGY AND THE ANTHROPOCENE Contributors are invited to submit manuscripts on the above topic from the point of view either of researchers or activists. Abstracts and contributions must be written in English and in a style accessible to a wide audience. Please submit abstracts to or
A Kind of Farewell to Ato Kwamena Onoma
Godwin R. Murunga Executive Secretary CODESRIA Our colleague, Ato Kwamena Onoma, has served CODESRIA for a period of just under a decade, starting from November 2013 to end of May 2022. He served two full terms as Senior Programme Officer from 2016 to 2022, having previously worked with the Council as Programme