Africa Development, Volume 49, Number 3, 2024
Special Focus on Lusophone Africa We are delighted to announce the release of a special issue of Africa Development | Afrique et Développement, dedicated to new approaches to social movements and human rights in Lusophone Africa. This issue brings together cutting-edge research and critical discussions on key socio-political and economic challenges in Portuguese-speaking African countries. Guest
CODESRIA Bulletin Online, No. 15, December 2024
Rethinking Academic Freedom in Africa by Paul Tiyambe Zeleza Presentation and Intervention at the Academic Freedom in Africa Brainstorming Meeting, Dakar, Senegal, 28–29 November 2024 Introduction Since independence, African universities have undergone profound transformations, evolving through three distinct regimes: the nationalist university, the developmental university and the neoliberal university. These typologies mirror broader
CODESRIA Bulletin, Numbers 3 and 4, 2024
Special Issue in honour of MOMAR-COUMBA DIOP (1951–2024) Greetings from the Council, We are delighted to share the latest issue of the CODESRIA Bulletin (Numbers 3&4, 2024), which is a special edition dedicated to the memory of Prof. Momar-Coumba Diop (1951–2024). Prof. Diop was a trailblazer in African intellectual thought, a prolific scholar,
CODESRIA Bulletin Online, No. 14, December 2024
Thandika Mkandawire and the African Intellectual Decolonisation Movement Paul Tiyambe Zeleza Senior Adviser for Strategic Initiatives, Office of the President Professor of African Studies, Department of African Studies, Howard University Keynote Address, New Directions in African Political Economy, Scholarly Conference, The Africa Institute, Global Studies University, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, 14–16 November 2024. It
Re-envisioning the African and American Academies by Paul T. Zeleza
This is an exceptionally comprehensive, rich and highly textured study of higher education in two regions that are rarely compared to each other, Africa and the United States written by a scholar with an unusually extensive experience with both systems. The book examines the development of higher education in the
CODESRIA Bulletin Online, No. 13, September 2024
The Petty Bourgeoisie in the Thought of Amilcar Cabral and Walter Rodney Paper presented to the International Symposium entitled ‘Amilcar Cabral: A national and universal heritage’, in commemoration of the centenary of Cabral’s birth held at Cabo Verde and Guinea-Bissau from 9 to 12 September, 2024. We are pleased to share a
CODESRIA Bulletin Online, No. 12, September 2024
Revisiting the Struggles for Academic/Intellectual Freedom and the Social Responsibility of Intellectuals in Africa: The Case of the Dar es Salaam and Kampala Declarations by J. Oloka-Onyango, Professor of Law School of Law, Makerere University, Uganda Revised text of Keynote Reflections at the Colloquia on Academic Freedom and Social Responsibility, University of Dar es
CODESRIA Bulletin Online, No. 9, September 2024
Ujamaa, Ubuntu and Reimagining Pan-Africanism Keynote Address at the Interna/onal Conference on Ujamaa, Ubuntu and New Pan Africanisms, Arusha, 23-25 May 2024 by Issa G. Shivji, Professor Emeritus, University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania This keynote address at the International Conference on Ujamaa, Ubuntu, and New Pan-Africanisms explores the deep philosophical roots of
Radwa Hesham Saad
Radwa Saad is a PhD candidate at Cornell University. Her research focuses include civil-military relations, Afro-Arab relations as well as regional integration processes and security alliances in Africa. Her current research explores how state-societal relations and archetypes of citizenship are (re)negotiated through military conscription practices in North Africa. Her research