Sub-Regional Methodology Workshops for Social Research in Africa: 2013 Session for East and Southern Africa
Theme: Fields and Theories of Qualitative Research Deadline: 28 June, 2013 Date: 23 – 27 September 2013Venue: Naïrobi, Kenya Call for Applications Introduction One of the major weaknesses of contemporary social research in and about Africa is its lack of careful attention to epistemological and methodological issues. This weakness has made itself manifest at a
Pan-Africanism: Adapting African Stories/Histories from Text to Screen
Date: 25-26 February 2013 Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso CODESRIA, the African Guild of Filmmakers and the Pan African Film & Television Festival (FESPACO) Pan-Africanism: Adapting African Stories/Histories from Text to Screen International Workshop, to be held within the framework of the 23rd FESPACO25-26 February 2013Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso The Council for the Development of Social Science
Round Table on the Malian Crisis
12 December 2012 The crisis and political instability shaking Mali, with the occupation of part of its territory, the imposition of Sharia law in the North of the country, discussions involving ECOWAS, the AU and the United Nations in view of a military intervention, the harassment of women, and the risk
Public Debate on Media and Citizenship
Date: 7 November 2012Time: 15.30 – 17.30Venue: Grand Amphithéâtre Faculté Medicine UCAD - Dakar CODESRIA and the African Media Leaders’ Forum (AMLF) are happy to inform you of the organization of a roundtable on Media and Citizenship. The roundtable will take place on 7 November 2012 at the Great Hall of the