Weiss Architecture Studio

Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae lorem.

Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa



CODESRIA Bulletin, Nos 1 & 2, 2017

In this issue / Dans ce numéro

0- Editorial 1
Divine Fuh

1- I speak, I lie!,
Tekletsadik Belachew 4

2- Who is setting Africa’s intellectual agenda?,
Patience Mususa 5

3- What if democracy itself were the problem?,
Elísio Macamo 7

4- Africa Rising, Afro-pessimism – or Racial Capitalism?,
Jordanna Matlon 9

5- La renaissance africaine ? Épître pour redonner son sens à un mot chargé d’histoire et porteur des enseignements du passé,
Fatou Kine Camara 11

6- Africa and Industrialisation: What Role for the Research Community?
Theresa Moyo 14

7- The Cheetah Generation: The Birth of the Captains of Industry in Africa?
Horman Chitonge 16

8- Urban Studies: A View from the Continent’s Southern Tip
Sophie Oldfield 18

9- L’Afrique et son potentiel rural mondial
Carl Manlan 19

10- African Auxiliaries, Cultural Translation and Vernacularising Missionary Medicine in Colonial North-Western Zambia
Walima T. Kalusa 21

11- La sociologie africaine : un paradigme de rêve
Nfally Diémé 22

12- Emerging Trends for Psychology in Africa
Shose Kessi 24

13- African Social Sciences and the Study of the Economy: Building an Independent Pan-African Infrastructure
Vito Laterza 27

14- Rethinking Sexuality from Africa
Thomas Hendriks and Rachel Spronk 28

15- Comment renouveler le débat sur le développement en Afrique ? Notes introductives au débat
Moussa Mbaye 33

16- Capital in the Twenty-first Century: A Critical Engagement with Piketty
Alemayehu Geda 36