Forthcoming Book: Justice during Transitions: Policies that reflect African Realities
Edited by Cori Wielenga & Christopher C. Nshimbi. Transitional justice interventions, particularly in Africa, have largely failed. In this context, there is a growing interest in tradition-based community led practices for resolving justice. Yet little is known or understood about these practices on their own terms, and what role they play
Forthcoming Book: Diversity and the essence of Pan-African Arts
The Arts, artistic, and literary production in Africa are echoes of Africa’s cultural heritage in its diversities, its essence, its values, its realities and its contradictions, being transmitted across generations. These resonances are translated in different ways from one period to another and from one culture to the other. They
Generation Exodus? Youth mobility politics and radical change in West Africa
1½-day workshop organised by CODESRIA / NAI 8-9 December 2022, Dakar, Senegal This hybrid workshop invites a collective reflection on the role of human mobility in shaping West Africa’s economic, political, and social future, with a particular focus on the practices, aspirations, and reflections of young people in the region. The workshop
Forthcoming Book: Economies de la prison en Afrique du Sud, au Nigeria et au Sénégal
This book offers an ethnography of the prison institution in three African countries and reports on its evolution/appropriation over time. By describing the actors and their interactions/transactions, the production of legitimacies and identity constructions, and the permeability of the boundaries between inside and outside, it lifts the veil on the
Forthcoming Book: Between Two Worlds: Mapping Immigrant Literacy Practices and Identity Construction in South Africa
Increasingly, education systems must serve not only its country’s citizens, but immigrants and refugees from the world over who are entering host countries for a variety of reasons: to escape war-torn countries, to provide a better life for their families, to access better education, for employment and health care opportunities,