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Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae lorem.

Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa




Randomised controlled trials have become the research method of choice for scholars in a number of social science disciplines, including development economics, where both the associated methodologies and research findings have become very influential. So while the first randomised controlled trials (RCTs) in social science were pioneered in the United

Méthod(e)s: African Review of Social Science Methodology/Revue africaine de méthodologie des sciences sociales Editors:Lyn Schumaker, University of Manchester, UKJean-Bernard Ouédraogo, CNRS-EHESS, Paris, France. Against a backdrop of the marginalization of ethnography, a direct and often anonymous collector of "facts", the writing of the history of social sciences in the field confers privilege

CODESRIA is seeking short contributions for the 2017 editions of its quarterly bulletin. CODESRIA Bulletin (ISSN 0850-8712) is a peer-reviewed publication which aims to stimulate critical discussion and encourage research cooperation amongst African(-ist) researchers around key debates/questions in Africa. CODESRIA Bulletin contributes to setting the research and intellectual agendas of/on

O CODESRIA está à procura de pequenas contribuições para as edições trimestrais do boletim em 2017. O Boletim do CODESRIA (ISSN 0850-8712) é uma publicação analisada por pares que visa estimular a discussão crítica, bem como encorajar a cooperação na pesquisa entre os investigadores africanistas em torno de debates/questões fundamentais

The Editors of Method(e)s : African Review of Social Science Methodology/ Revue africaine de méthodologie des sciences sociales is soliciting guest editor(s) who are interested in editing collections of articles on the themes listed bellow. Prospective proposers are welcome to discuss their ideas informally with the Editors. The guest editor

Deadline: 30 October 2016   African Review of Social Sciences Methodology/Revue africaine de méthodologiedes sciences sociales Epistemological Fractures in a Globalized World: Normalizations, Debates and Alternatives in the Social Sciences Editors :Fernanda Beigel, Professor, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo – CONICET, ArgentinaJean-‐Bernard Ouédraogo, Research Director, CNRS, LAIOS, IIAC, EHESS, Paris,Raewyn Connell, Professor Emerita, University of

Deadline: 30 October 2015 Are you a researcher, media practitioner, information and communication technology (ICT) specialist, journalist, lecturer or engineer interested in the issue of the digital transition, its challenges and opportunities? Your thoughts and contributions may be of interest as you respond to this call for papers for the publication

Deadline: Monday, February 10, 2014 The Journal of Identity, Culture & Politics (ICP): An Afro-AsianDialogue is a peer-reviewed journal published by the Councilfor the Development of Social Science Research in Africa(CODESRIA) and Centre for Alternative (CA) of University ofDhaka, Bangladesh. The Editorial team of ICP is seekingoriginal article for its upcoming